Got No Willpower?

A bowl of mixed salad with a tape measure for healthy eatingWhen it comes to tempting treats – do you firmly believe you have zero willpower?

Are you convinced this lack of control mean you’re deficient as a human being?

Or equally bad, that there’s something terribly wrong with you?

Well, here’s the good news: there might be a perfectly logical explanation for your apparent ‘lack of willpower’!

And it all comes back to your diet and the state of your digestion.

Let me explain.

On a deep, physiological level, it’s possible that your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients it needs, and this can happen for a number of reasons.

The most common ones would be a poor diet, or a flawed digestive system – either one of which can lead to a leaky gut.

Not to mention a host of other problems – including nutrient deficiency! (You could literally bestarving– and not even know it.)

This might sound very different from what you’ve been taught to believe – that something must be wrong with you on a psychological level. Otherwise, you’d be able to overcome your short-comings and get a handle on your cravings. Right?

Sounds logical, to be sure, but your body – and your mind – just doesn’t work that way.

Rather than beat yourself up over ALL your perceived flaws, a more productive approach, is to address the problem head on and where it really counts – by cleaning up your diet and healing your gut!

Are you still with me here?

Let me break the possibilities down for you in a little more detail.


Your Diet is Nutrient-Poor

If your diet is short on nutrients to begin with, either because you tend towards fast food, or foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar, that could be half the problem right there.

In some circles, those very foods are sometimes referred to as “frankenfoods” – meaning food that your body can’t easily recognize. This is where a diet heavy on gluten-containing foods can really exacerbate your endless cravings, due to opiate receptors in your brain being triggered.

Yes, it’s the very same opiate receptors involved in drug addiction!

This is why your seeming lack of willpower and cravings for certain food can feel like an addiction. As much as possible, focusing on whole food ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, nuts and seeds, and quality protein will serve you best, since it’s food your body will recognize.

And what it needs to function optimally!


Your Diet is High in Refined Carbs & Sugar

Funny thing – but a diet that’s heavy on refined carbs and sugar is the very thing that will lead to increased food cravings.

Along with that dreaded lack of willpower!

Back in 1992 – when the first Food Pyramid made it’s debut – Americans were told to eat at least 6-11 servings of grains, pasta and bread per day.

Many of us dutifully jumped on that bandwagon (myself included), tipping the balance to a diet that was heavy on carbs and short on the other macronutrients that your body needs even more.

Bottom line:  you need a proper balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates for your body to function at its best. (And you could easily avoid whole grains altogether, since they’re not an essential part of a healthy diet).


Your Diet is Too Low in Fat

While dietary fats are one of the 3 primary macronutrients that your body needs, it’s critical to consume the ‘right’ kinds of fats.

These are the fats we refer to as “essential fatty acids”, meaning they’re an essential part of a well-rounded diet, and to how your body functions, especially when it comes to supporting your brain and ‘higher thinking’.

It’s your brain after all, that ultimately controls your willpower. If it’s running short on fuel, you won’t be able to sustain those inevitable cravings.

More importantly – since these essential fats can’t be made in your body they MUST come from your diet!

Start thinking of those cravings as your brain’s way of telling you “I need food!”

And if you still firmly believe that eating too much fat will make you fat, read this.


You Already Eat a Seemingly Stellar, Whole Foods Diet

If this describes you, chances are your diet might still be too low in fat. (see above)

In other words, your stellar, whole foods MUST include adequate amounts of good fats that come from things like nuts and seeds (including nut and seed butters), avocados, olive or coconut oil, and wild-caught fish (assuming you eat animal protein).

If any of these are lacking, your cravings will be more intense and harder to manage.


Your Digestion Is Compromised

For years, I’ve thought of myself as someone who eats a super-healthy diet.

Yet unbeknownst to me, my digestion was pretty messed up.

Bottom line: if you can say ‘yes’ to any of the following, the odds are high that your digestion is working less than optimally:

  • You eat a Standard American Diet (SAD) that is high on sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods
  • You know that you’re sensitive to a number of different foods, but hesitate to eliminated them completely
  • You have Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity
  • You have a diagnosed automimmune disease
  • You’ve received recent blood work that says you’re malnourished, and lacking in key nutrients
  • You don’t think you have a problem

In addition, check out the list below to see if any of these common symptoms apply to you:

  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Unexplained rash or other skin issues
  • Allergies – either seasonal or food-related
  • Mental fogginess & fuzzy thinking
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Achy joints
  • Insomnia
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Memory loss or dementia
  • Pain & inflammation

If you said ‘yes’ to even ONE of these – would it surprise you to know that none of these symptoms are normal?

Just as important to note here, is that there’s a reason you’re having them! It’s the only way your body knows to try and get your attention – to get you to pay heed, and try to unravel what’s really going on with you. (Translation:  To figure out the ROOT CAUSE of your symptoms, once and for all – rather than slap a bandaid on them by taking medication).

To learn more, & receive the most up-to-date, in-depth information regarding all things related to Gluten SensitivityAutoimmune Disease, Inflammation & more – be sure to watch my educational video series “A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A – Z“. It’s available FREE on my bi-weekly newsletter, but you can have immediate access to all 26 videos – plus a full, 2-hour Tutorial here.


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