How to Look 20, When You’re Well Past 50 (60, Even)

HedbergPhoto3KK10FBFULLA while back, a friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile exclaimed that I looked about 20.

Of course, I didn’t believe her. (When I look in the mirror, I’m as critical as the next person).

But I was pleasantly surprised and secretly quite pleased to hear this.

Who wouldn’t be, right?

After all, it isn’t exactly easy to pass for 40 years younger than your actual age!

“What about my gray hair?” I asked her, thinking that was a dead give-away.

She brushed that aside, saying it didn’t mean a whole lot.

Well, OK then.

The thing is, this wasn’t an isolated incident – which, to be perfectly honest, leaves me a bit baffled..

People want to know “What’s your secret?” – and while I might not be sure initially, when I think about the work I’m doing, and how I live my life, I realize – that’s the secret right there!

What I teach, after all – is a lifestyle.

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T Is For Testing

T - TestingHave you been trying to get answers for your health issues?

Perhaps your doctor has told you there’s nothing wrong with you (translation: it’s all in your head).

Or perhaps he ran some tests for gluten sensitivity – only to have them come back negative (but you suspect otherwise).

You may have been given some pills, and a few words of advice, and sent home with little more than a pat on the back.

Your intuition is screaming “NO” to medication.

You know that something’s been overlooked – whether it’s coming from your diet, or something in your home you’ve yet to identify.

And it’s making you sick.

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Gluten-Sensitivity & Celiac Disease – Should You Be Tested?

Gluten free words - tag cloud illustrationTake a look at the list of symptoms below.

Are any of them common for you – or even someone else you know?

  • Digestive Complaints
  • Cramps, Bloating or Gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Sinus Congestion
  • Joint Pain
  • Rash or Itching
  • Insomnia
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • Memory Loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weight Gain
  • Mood Swings

While this list is by no means comprehensive, the thing to note is that NONE of these symptoms are NORMAL!

They’re common, yes – but common and normal are NOT the same thing! It’s an important distinction, and one I like to stress – at every opportunity!

Here’s another thing I like to stress:

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S Is For Symptoms

S - SymptomsGot symptoms? If so, I’m really happy for you!

I don’t mean to sound snarky. But the fact is, if you’re dealing with various bodily symptoms – it really IS a good thing!


Because, it means your body is talking to you.

It’s trying to tell you something – along the lines of “I don’t like what you’re doing to me, so knock it off.”

The thing about gluten-sensitivity – and the reason I’m teaching all about it in A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A-Z – is that it’s known to be the trigger behind upwards of 300 different symptoms and illnesses!

This includes autoimmune disease, inflammation, intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut), and lots more.

Even neurological disorders, as referenced in this study.

If it surprise you to learn that sensitivity to gluten is NOT limited to the gut, here’s another interesting fact:  up to 50% of people with celiac disease have NO digestive symptoms whatsoever! (Because it’s manifested elsewhere in your body.)

For this very reason we say it is ‘Systemic’. It’s also why S is for Symptoms and Systemic inflammation.

Cause it literally feels like your body’s been hacked.

To learn more, & receive the most up-to-date, in-depth information regarding all things related to Gluten SensitivityAutoimmune Disease, Inflammation & more – be sure to watch my educational video series “A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A – Z“. It’s available FREE on my bi-weekly newsletter, but you can have immediate access to all 26 videos – plus a full, 2-hour Tutorial here.

Is Removing Gluten Always The Answer?

Celiac Disease concept. Book with stethoscope and pills.Should you remove gluten from your diet? (I get asked this question a lot).

The short answer is “It depends”.

What do I mean by this? In a nutshell, it depends on what’s going on in your body.

It depends on the signs and symptoms you’re experiencing.

And it also depends on your test results!

Of course, if your tests come back negative, then you’re in the clear – at least for the time being – more on that later.

But it’s super important that you get the RIGHT tests!

You don’t want to stop there, either.

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R Is For Reintroduction

R - ReintroductionLet’s say you’ve been gluten-free awhile – and you’re feeling great.

But you’ve been hearing from friends, as well as online, that European wheat is somehow ‘safer’ – even though it still contains gluten.

Is there any truth to this?

In R Is For Reintroduction I explore this popular myth – that it’s OK to bring gluten-containing foods back into your diet, regardless of the circumstances.

I call this a myth because it’s so misleading.  

The reason WHY, is because your immune system has a Memory – especially for gluten. It doesn’t forget!

Once you start eating wheat again (and by default gluten) odds are high that ALL your symptoms will come back.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise – since you’d be reintroducing the very food that’s making you sick. (Especially true for autoimmune disease).

 In other words – you can’t be just “a little bit pregnant”.

You’re either sensitive or you’re not. Period. And your immune system will ALWAYS have the final say.

If you’re eager to learn more & don’t want to wait a full year to receive the most up-to-date, in-depth information regarding all things related to Gluten SensitivityAutoimmune Disease, Inflammation & more – click here for immediate access. You get ALL 26 videos of A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A-Z, including a jam-packed tutorial!

How To Find Your Path & Stick With It

Tree blocking the roadDoes this sound like you?

First of the year, you vowed to lose a few pounds – and transition to a healthier way of eating.

But nine months later, you’re exactly where you were on Day 1.

To make matters worse, you just got back from vacation – and all your health goals seemingly fell by the wayside.

You’re beyond frustrated (yet again) that you ate all this junky food and now feel like crap from the over-indulgence – too many desserts, snack foods, and alcohol.

Now you’re regretting it big-time!

Chances are your digestive system is also out of whack because you’ve been eating things you wouldn’t normally eat. You’re paying for it with daily heartburn, indigestion – and an extra 10 pounds.

All this despite your goal this year, to do at least ONE of the following:

  • Make healthier food choices
  • Transition to an anti-inflammatory diet, by removing gluten & sugar (because you know you’ll feel better)
  • Identify which foods you’re sensitive to – to help calm your immune system
  • Lose weight
  • Mange stress by focusing on self-care (e. all of the above)

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Q Is For Quinoa

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 12.06.47 PMI happen to LOVE quinoa!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t love me back.

Even so, I can’t think of a better way to highlight this unique pseudo-grain than Q Is For Quinoa – as it fits in rather nicely with my on-going educational series “A Gluten Primer, Everything You Wanted to Know From A – Z”.

If you’ve been listening to these videos – you understand by now that gluten and wheat sensitivities could easily be the root cause of your health issues.

I also recently shared that most grains – along with many other plant foods – contain problematic compounds like lectins.

Quinoa – although it’s a wonderful substitute for wheat flour, rice, and even oats – may not work for everyone for this very reason.

NOTE: The ideal way to cook Quinoa is with a Pressure Cooker! This method is equally effective for other grains and legumes – however, while pressure cooking will destroy lectins, it does NOT destroy gluten.

I talk a lot in this space about Special Diets, gluten-free and otherwise.

But nothing exists in a vacuum. This is why EVERYTHING in your environment matters – not just food!

To learn more, & receive the most up-to-date, in-depth information regarding all things related to Gluten SensitivityAutoimmune Disease, Inflammation & more – be sure to watch my educational video series “A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A – Z“. It’s available FREE on my bi-weekly newsletter, but you can have immediate access to all 26 videos – plus a full, 2-hour Tutorial here.

Pros & Cons of the Paleo Diet

Fresh raw salmon fillets on cutting boardSeems hardly a day goes by, that I don’t hear of someone else who’s embarked on the Whole 30 diet, or ‘gone Paleo.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Paleo trend, it’s based on the concept that you’re going back to an ancestral diet – the way Nature intended you to be eating all along.

In other words, you’re eating the way your long-ago ancestors ate prior to the introduction of agriculture.

What this translates to – is that you’re foregoing many modern foods you’ve become accustomed to eating, in particular grains, legumes, and – depending on the plan you choose to follow – an absence of potatoes, alcohol and sugar.

If that seems overwhelming to you, I’ve been hearing over and over of the positive experiences people are having.

More energy. Less inflammation. Fewer aches and pains.

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P Is For Pearl Necklace

P - PEARL NECKLACEIf you’re anything like me, you probably believe that whole grains are incredibly good for you.

I used to think so myself!

Yet I’ve come to realize that whole grains aren’t quite what they’re cracked up to be (pardon the pun).


Gluten-filled grains such as wheat – along with just about any food that’s part of the plant kingdom – have their own built-in defense system.

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