K Is For Kidding Yourself

K - KIDDING YOURSELFI’ve been thinking a lot this past week about STRESS – mostly the fact that I didn’t think I’ve been under that much stress.

At least, no more than anyone else. (I was wrong).

I mean, who DOESN’T deal with stress, right?

This is where Kidding Yourself comes in. As in “K is For Kidding Yourself”.

I totally get it. After all, it’s something we all do!

You tell yourself (just like I did) that you’re no worse off than anyone else.

You insist you don’t have sensitivity to gluten – because your digestion works just fine, thank you very much.

Yet, have you considered the myriad other symptoms and medical conditions that have gluten sensitivity at their root?

What about the headaches, migraines, mental fogginess, chronic skin issues, acne, fatigue, or tingling and numbness in your extremities? (Click here for a full list)

 If you still believe it’s all a myth – you might just be KIDDING YOURSELF!

Get the FACTS! In “A Gluten Primer – Everything You Wanted to Know From A-Z” – I share it all. It’s fun, it’s FREE (mostly) & informative – & brought to you by a Certified Gluten Practitioner.

Don’t let your symptoms get the better of you!

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