Does Gluten-Free Food Taste Bad?

A client of mine recently commented that the gluten-free oatmeal she’d eaten for breakfast was “pretty awful”.

That surprised me.

Gluten-free oats shouldn’t taste any different from regular oats.

The primary issue with oats (which are inherently gluten-free) is cross-contamination from other grains.

This means that oats labeled as specifically gluten-free have been grown in dedicated fields – without any danger of cross-contamination.

Does that affect the taste?

Not that I’m aware of, but I’d welcome any feedback on this issue!

So, does gluten-free food really taste bad?

In a word, no.

Sure, there might be some products that are below par, but isn’t it that way with everything?

For those of us who are gluten-free, it’s a fairly common complaint that gluten-free cookies, breads and so forth pale in taste when compared to the “original”.

In our minds, we can still “taste” the fluffy pancakes or artisan breads that we were accustomed to eating, before we gave up gluten.

We’re forever making comparisons.

And disappointed by the results!

I think there’s another way to look at this, which is that gluten-free baked goods may taste different, yes.

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“Food, wonderful food, glorious food.” … from the musical, Oliver


Food is such a sensory experience.   

Inextricably woven into the fabric of our lives, it evokes feelings of both pleasure and comfort on a daily basis.

We taste or nibble, and sometimes devour, depending on our moods and level of hunger. If we are really mindful and aware, we savor every morsel.

Our daily meals are as basic to our existence as taking our next breath.

Yet, when you add Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance or Food Allergies into the mix, things aren’t quite so simple.

Along the way, life gets a little more interesting, and a lot more challenging.

For this reason, I’ve decided to share with you my personal philosophy for designing a Gluten-Free Life, while embracing my twin passions for Food & Design.

Yes, I also happen to be an Interior Designer – hence the name Gluten-Free Designer! (You can visit my website at ).

My own story started out simple enough, beginning with an article I read about nine years ago on Celiac Disease.

Up until that time I had never heard of Celiac Disease, but then I’d also never heard of gluten. I had no idea there was a name attached to the debilitating symptoms I’d been dealing with for years.

Yet something about the article caught my attention. I read it all the way through, then read it again. What I read in that article described me exactly – including the stomach pain and discomfort I experienced on a daily basis with no obvious explanation.

To think that all this was attributable to a single protein called Gluten was astounding, almost exciting!

Now – one of the unfortunate facts about Celiac Disease (or gluten intolerance or sensitivity, or whatever you want to call it) is that it can take on average years to diagnosis.

Perhaps this sounds familiar.

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