How to Step Into Your Power

superheroDo you have days when you feel frustrated and overwhelmed?

As if your life is simply out of control?

Truth is, we all have days like this.

In fact, I’d venture to say it’s a fact of life, especially in today’s fast-paced world.

Just think how easy it is to get sidetracked by work and family and outside obligations!

Unfortunately, this often means there isn’t enough time for YOU.

Well, it’s time to take back your power, my friend!

That’s right.

I’m putting YOU back in command!

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5 Simple Ways to Pamper Your Skin

Gal Toiletries ExtraSmallDid you know that your skin is your largest organ?

Not only that, it’s also your body’s #1 defense against the outside world. And it gets more fascinating still – since you have both an outside skin, and an inside skin.

(That inside skin covers things like your digestive tract and your respiratory system – not necessarily something you would think about)

Back in the early days when I first went gluten-free, I attended a lecture that was geared toward gluten-free folks like you and me.

The presenter was very insistent that there was no need to be concerned about putting gluten-containing products on our skin.

He said it was virtually impossible for gluten in skin care products to be a problem – because we weren’t ingesting it.

At the time, I thought it made sense.

But guess what?

He was wrong!

While it’s true that we don’t ingest our toiletries or cosmetics – whatever we put on our skin does get absorbed.

And that’s important!

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