How to Stay Gluten-Free & Still Be the Most Popular Person at the Potluck


This week, I’m excited to announce another Guest Blogger and friend of mine – Janelle Holden, President & Founder of The Gluten Free Life Coach. You can read more about her by scrolling to the bottom of this post – but be sure to read the article first, as Janelle shares some excellent advice on How to Be the Most Popular Person at the Potluck! 

Last month my mother’s best friend spoke the six words I dread hearing the most at a potluck.

“I made this special for you!”

With a deep smile she delivered into my hands a “special” bowl of creamed corn bread casserole that had been made without dairy. I looked at the pretty concoction and noted it contained at least three other ingredients that I do not eat: Corn, wheat flour, and sugar.

I looked up and smiled.

“Thank you!” I said. “That’s really kind of you.”

And it was. Clearly, she had made an effort on my behalf because I have food sensitivities. She wanted to make me feel included in the gathering.

But, there was no way in hell I was going to eat that corn bread casserole.  I would be sick for days if I ate even a small bite, and as much as I loved her, I wasn’t about to get sick to please her.

The tricky part was telling her that.


What Happened Next

At first I thought I could simply admire the dish from my place setting and not say a word. After all, I had given her thanks, hadn’t I? I didn’t really need to tell her that I wouldn’t be eating it.  Maybe she wouldn’t notice I wasn’t eating it.

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