What 5 Favorite Foods Would You Bring To The Moon?

I came across this question the other day, and it got me thinking.

If you were indeed to take a trip to the moon – or were stranded on a deserted isle – which 5 foods would be on your list of ‘must haves’?

Of course, there’s no cheating allowed, not even on the moon.

Meaning whichever 5 foods you choose, they must also be gluten-free as well as free of any other allergens you normally avoid.

So, here’s my list:

  • Quinoa
  • Blueberries
  • Hummus
  • Avocados
  • Salmon

Yes, I know.

That almost sounds a bit too healthy.

But that’s how I live my life. No matter where I travel, I like to be well-fed in a healthy sort of way.

However, if push came to shove, I would also include a supply of Beanitos Chips (gotta have something fun, right?)

Oh wait, that makes 6 items.

Oh well, I can’t think of a single item I would leave out.

Blueberries are full of antioxidants.

Salmon provides Omega-3’s.

Quinoa is an excellent source of protein. The cooked grain is wonderful for breakfast – topped with nuts or fruit – but also fills in as the perfect side dish along with Salmon, or even a vegetarian entrée.

A lot of people have a love-hate relationship with Quinoa.

For starters, they’re not even sure of the correct pronunciation. (Try “keen-wa”)

And avocados?

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Avocados, Chocolate & More

I just had to share an amazing new recipe that I came across, one that features the unusual combination of avocados and chocolate!

The recipe is for an Avocado Chocolate Pudding, created by nutritionist Michelle Babb, of Eat, Play, Be – a Mind-Body nutrition practice located in Seattle.

I made this luscious chocolate pudding earlier today, and I can tell you that the taste is incredible – creamy, chocolaty and velvety-rich, just like you’d expect chocolate pudding to be.

Yes, the ingredients are unconventional.

But that’s what I love about it! Plus, it is sugar-free, relying instead on a sugar substitute such as agave nectar or maple syrup.

I, for one, am trying to cut back on my sugar consumption this holiday season. I’m challenging myself to bake less, and stick with a few favorite recipes that can easily be converted to a gluten-free treat that is also low in sugar.

Of course, you can certainly create a perfectly lovely gluten-free pudding using traditional dairy or cream, and refined sugar.

I’m just saying there are alternatives.

If you’re looking for something a little different to tickle your taste buds, I think this tasty treat will likely satisfy your cravings.

Next week, I promise to share some of my own favorite holiday recipes. Meantime, I’ve been invited to two holiday parties this week alone!

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I can hardly believe that Autumn has arrived.           

Already, I’m noticing that daylight starts to fade by early evening. We’ve entered that time of year when we like to hunker down and enjoy the warmth and comfort of our homes.

When I look out the window, I see the spectrum of Fall colors everywhere – gold, and vivid orange and yellow.

Squashes and pumpkins adorn the Farmer’s stalls and are piled high outside my neighborhood grocery store.

Yet, for some reason, part of me is still in summer mode, thinking of salads and warm weather menus, and day dreaming about this years’ vacation in the wine country of eastern Washington – an area where it’s just about impossible to drive half a mile without passing a winery, there are so many of them.

Now, I am not a wine expert, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I’m someone who is content to enjoy a glass of wine when the occasion calls for it, and that’s about it.

I recently learned that some vineyards use gluten as a clarifying agent during the wine-making process. I already knew that egg whites are sometimes used, but had never heard about gluten.

This was an eye-opener for me.

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