What’s Your Toxic Burden?

Holding water in cupped handsThere’s a lot of talk in the media these days about toxicity – both in the environment and in your body.

What’s that you say – your body isn’t toxic at all?

I hear you!

It’s a hard concept to wrap your brain around – and perhaps, you’d rather bury your head in the sand.

But I invite you to think again!

And yes – I totally get it.

It CAN be overwhelming!

Unfortunately, we live in a time when every single human on the planet has been exposed to environmental chemicals.

There’s simply no getting around it.

Some will argue that the human body is perfectly capable of dealing with these environmental toxins entirely on it’s own – and there is some truth to that.

However, the majority of chemicals that we’re exposed to in our present world, weren’t around one hundred years ago.

(Not even fifty years ago, for that matter).

Why is that a problem?

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