How to Look 20, When You’re Well Past 50 (60, Even)

HedbergPhoto3KK10FBFULLA while back, a friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile exclaimed that I looked about 20.

Of course, I didn’t believe her. (When I look in the mirror, I’m as critical as the next person).

But I was pleasantly surprised and secretly quite pleased to hear this.

Who wouldn’t be, right?

After all, it isn’t exactly easy to pass for 40 years younger than your actual age!

“What about my gray hair?” I asked her, thinking that was a dead give-away.

She brushed that aside, saying it didn’t mean a whole lot.

Well, OK then.

The thing is, this wasn’t an isolated incident – which, to be perfectly honest, leaves me a bit baffled..

People want to know “What’s your secret?” – and while I might not be sure initially, when I think about the work I’m doing, and how I live my life, I realize – that’s the secret right there!

What I teach, after all – is a lifestyle.

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E is for Environmental Triggers

E - ENVIRONMENTALThere’s a lot of talk these days about the environment – be it lead in our water, endangered wildlife or polluted air.

Some of these Environmental Triggers even come from your food!

They could be in the form of chemical additives or preservatives found in processed foods – or simply your body’s inability to tolerate a food such as gluten, or dairy.

In either scenario, your body views the offender as toxic!

This, in turn, triggers your immune system – in an all-out assault to rescue you from these harmful invaders.

That’s it in a nutshell – but I dive into much greater detail in my new video series “A Gluten Primer, Everything You Wanted to Know From A – Z” (complete with accompanying tutorial)!:

If your goal is to minimize your symptoms and turn your health around – it all starts with what you’re putting into your body.

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How to Look 20, When You’re Well Past 50 (60, Even)

HedbergWEB Color KK32 CROPA while back, a friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile exclaimed that I looked about 20.

Of course, I didn’t believe her. (When I look in the mirror, I’m as critical as the next person).

But I was pleasantly surprised and secretly quite pleased to hear this.

Who wouldn’t be, right?

After all, it isn’t exactly easy to pass for 40 years younger than your actual age!

“What about my gray hair?” I asked her, thinking that was a dead give-away.

She brushed that aside, saying it didn’t mean a whole lot.

Well, OK then.

The thing is, this wasn’t an isolated incident – which, to be perfectly honest, leaves me a bit baffled..

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How to Look 20, When You’re Well Past 50 (60, Even)

HedbergWEB Color KK32 CROPPicture this.

A friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile, exclaimed upon seeing me – that I looked about 20.

Of course, I was pleasantly surprised and secretly quite pleased to hear this.

After all, it isn’t exactly easy to pass for 40 years younger than your actual age!

“What about my gray hair?” I asked her, thinking that was a dead give-away.

She brushed that aside, saying it didn’t mean a whole lot.

Well, OK then.

Of course, I doubt that I REALLY look like a 20 year old. (When I look in the mirror, I’m as critical as the next person).
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Is Detox A 4-Letter Word?

Bathroom ScaleWe’re just a few days into the New Year, and hardly a day goes by that I don’t come across an email or Facebook post advocating a full body Detox or Cleanse.

The general idea is to undo the damage from all the holiday indulgence.

(I even offer an Extreme Kitchen Makeover – not quite the same thing, but a detox just the same.)

So, what’s the point of a Detox, anyway?

Is this just some “new agey” thing?

Why would the human body even need to detox? And what exactly are you detoxing from?

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Mild, Medium or Hot – What’s It Gonna Be?

Chili and chocolateIt sounds like a preference for hot sauce, I know.

Or better still – how do you like your Chinese take-out?

As you may have guessed, it’s none of the above.

Rather – “Do You Want Mild, Medium or Hot?“ – is one of the first questions I ask my private clients, because I want to know about your food preferences, and how “deep” you’re willing to go in the coaching process.

Of course, it’s a given that I’ll be looking closely at your diet and making recommendations on where I see room for change.

At the same time, I don’t want to suggest anything that you’re not at all comfortable with.

(Not right off the bat, anyway).

Hence the question.

After all, it’s my job as a coach to help you stretch and realize the possibilities for turning your health around.

(This means a constant back-and-forth and checking in with how you’re feeling, what’s working for you and what isn’t).

So – what’s it gonna be?

How deep are you prepared to go?

You want “Mild”?

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