Archives for May 2015

How To Find Your Path & Stick With It

Tree blocking the roadIs exercise a challenge for you?

If so, I hope you know that you’re not alone!

Getting regular exercise wasn’t always easy for me, either.

Yet nowadays, people often ask me how I stay so fit and trim. (They don’t know that I use to be 15 pounds or so heavier).

I wasn’t an overweight kid, but I wasn’t skinny either – as much as I wanted to be.

(My mother would describe me as cute and round. Which I didn’t like at all.)

I also wasn’t the least bit athletic.

That all changed about 30 years ago when I went to my very first aerobics class.

I was instantly hooked.

Or rather, I was SO sore the next few days – every muscle in my body ached and I could hardly move.

I decided, in that moment, that I would never again let my body get to the point where it would be so PAINFUL to get back in shape!

Regular exercise instantly became non-negotiable!

And I’ve never gone back on my word.

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Looking On The Bright Side

half full or emptyDo you ever have days where you get caught up in negative mindsets?

Days when everything that’s happening in your life takes on a “woe is me” persona – when you end up wondering if things could possibly get any worse?

Well, I hate to break it to you, but yes they can!

(Things can always get worse – that’s the unfortunate truth).

At the same time, I totally get that – when your mind is in a funk, it’s hard to see the silver lining.

(I know – I’ve been there, many a time!)

Yes, the mind will do what’s it going to do.

However, there are ways you can ‘train’ your mind – and trick it into looking at the bright side, and the many possibilities that are just waiting for you.

Here’s my suggestion:

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3 Things About Your Birth You Likely Never Thought About

Mothers dayIf you’re 40 or older, you might be thinking “Isn’t it a bit late for me?”

Or, “Why should I care?”

So yes, it might seem like it’s a bit late.

But here’s a few sobering facts:

  • The odds of acquiring an autoimmune disease later in life, are directly linked to what you were exposed to in your mother’s womb
  • Cord blood from newborns is routinely shown to contain high levels of toxic chemicals
  • Children born today have a shorter life expectancy

So again, what does any of this have to do with you, given your current age?

Well, those toxic chemicals?

They reside in all of us – young and old.

(It’s a fact of modern life).

It’s also why I love to suggest ways you can reduce your environmental exposure – especially in the privacy of your home.

It’s one of the easiest things you can do for yourself!

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