What’s Going On In There?

Heartburn SmallI was deep in conversation recently with a young woman, as she explained to me in earnest, how she was struggling with an over-production of stomach acid.

This had been causing her all kinds of problems.

(Since we were at a party, I’m actually not sure how we go off onto that tangent, but we did.)

After listening intently, I gently explained to her that high levels of stomach acid are actually exceedingly rare.

And I went on to explain that the likely culprit was more likely low stomach acid.

She was confused.

It’s a common myth, one you’ve likely heard yourself.

After all, the media bombards you all the time with messages of what you should do for heartburn.

And they always recommend an over-the-counter medication, to ease your symptoms.

The key word here is “symptoms”.

Because in the end, all that medication actually does is ease your symptoms – without addressing why you have this problem in the first place!

In order to find the problem, you need to first back things up – and look for the cause.

After all, there’s a reason you’re experiencing heartburn.

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Going Gluten-Free? Don’t Make This Mistake!

PackagesDo you know what most people do, once they receive a diagnosis for Celiac Disease – or it’s better known cousin, Non-Celiac-Gluten-Sensitivity?

They go shopping, of course.

And that’s perfectly understandable.

For most of us, the first inclination is to purchase suitable replacements for everything we’re used to eating.

Things that include:

  • Bread
  • Crackers
  • Cookies
  • Cereal

 After all, a girls gotta eat, right?

Then again, a number of people have been known to go into a sort of hibernation – dreading that first trip to the market.

Instead, they focus on foods that are naturally gluten-free – things like nuts and seeds, all manner of fruits and vegetables, dairy (if permitted), eggs (again, if permitted), meat and poultry, legumes and a few safe grains.

And you know what?

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Let’s Chew On This

Bread CrustDid your grandmother (or a parent) ever admonish you to adequately chew your food?

(In my husband’s family, his grandmother had a hard and fast rule to chew each bite exactly 33 times).

Well, it turns out your grandmother was right!

Chewing your food thoroughly is a critical part of the digestive process, priming your stomach and your digestive juices for the task ahead.

Not only that, this entry point – i.e. your mouth – is also where the Gut-Brain connection happens.

Translation – your gut and your brain are so closely connected, that the gut is often referred to as your “second brain”.

In fact, proper chewing does all of the following for your body:

  • Helps to eliminate gas and bloating (gluten sensitivity, anyone?)
  • Helps to eliminate abdominal pain
  • Helps to reduce the load on the rest of your digestive system
  • Actually helps with weight loss!


Are you curious about the last one?

Properly chewing your food can actually help with weight loss (and weight maintenance) simply because you’ll end up feeling satisfied on less food!

So, here’s the thing.
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Do You Have a Leaky Gut?

health concept - cloud of related words and topicsThe very words “leaky gut” sounds scary, I know.

In fact, for most of us the first time you heard those words, you probably recoiled in horror.

“Leaky gut? No way – not me!”

Well, guess what?

The very fact that you have Celiac Disease, non-Celiac gluten-sensitivity or multiple food sensitivities means you probably do.

It’s actually that simple.

And it’s also very common.

The medical term for leaky gut is “intestinal permeability”.

What that means, quite simply, is that over-sized molecules of undigested food particles are leaking through your gut wall into the bloodstream – wreaking havoc along the way.

(And the reason why, is because those all-important villi that line the digestive tract, aren’t able to do their job).

Of course, this is when you immune system kicks into overdrive,  in an effort to vanquish the unwelcome intruder.

An important note, here:  this does not mean that your immune system has gone haywire – quite the contrary.

In fact, it’s the job of your Immune System to protect you from anything that doesn’t belong in your body.

So in that sense, it’s simply doing what it’s designed to do.

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Have You Tried This?

SONY DSCIs it time to re-think your pantry?

While most Americans love to eat cereal for breakfast, perhaps it’s time to change things up a bit.

There are a couple of ways you could do this.

First, you can review this list of ideas, that I came up with earlier this year.

Secondly, why not introduce a healthier alternative to your current breakfast stash of cereals, something like this Qi’a porridge – a grain-free option made entirely from chia seeds, hemp seeds and buckwheat?

Even if this particular combination sounds a bit foreign to you, I invite you to give it a try.

It’s so easy to prepare – all you need to add is water, or the milk of your choosing. (Dairy, rice, almond or coconut milk – you decide).

A breakfast cereal like this is also perfect for travel!

All you need to add is a little hot water – easily achieved from the coffee maker in your hotel room.

What could be simpler?



Note: The links in this article are affiliate links, which means, in a nutshell, that should you choose to buy – everyone benefits.

What Are You Resisting?

chocolate chip cookiesDoes this sound familiar?

You’re at a restaurant, watching the person next to you devour a pile of crisp sweet potato fries.

They look SO tempting.

In that moment – what would you do?

Would you reach over and grab one, without a moment’s thought?

Which of the following outcomes best describes you?


A)   You FIGHT the urge – you’d really like to sample just one.

B)   You CAVE – there’s no way you can sit there and not have a taste.

C)  You RESIST – as tempting as it might be, you remind yourself that it’s not worth the physical pain and discomfort.
Do you see yourself in any of these sceanrios?

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Going gluten-free doesn’t mean giving up flavor!

That’s why I love cooking with these flavored oils from O Olive Oil. While they offer a number of different flavors, my favorite happens to be the Meyer Lemon Oil.

It is sooo yummy.

(Other flavors include Blood Orange, Clementine, Ruby Grapefruit and more. You can check them out here).

One thing to be aware of is that these oils are really more for flavor – and not meant to be used on high heat. In fact, since the oils are generally pricier than your regular olive oils – I wouldn’t heat them at all.

Instead, think of them as more of an accent, or garnish. While perfect on salads, I also love using the Lemon Oil in my Designer Hummus or Pesto.

Of course, this is where you get to be creative and come up with your own ideas. :)


Note: The links in this article are affiliate links, which means, in a nutshell, that should you choose to buy – both you & I benefit.

The Truth About Cross-Contamination

WheatWhen I first embarked on this gluten-free journey, I didn’t take cross-contamination seriously.

I fought the recommendation to buy a separate toaster because toast wasn’t a regular part of my morning meal, anyway.

Truth be told, cross-contamination sounded like one more hurdle I just didn’t want to deal with.

Yet, a series of unexpected incidents convinced me that I was super sensitive to a great number of things, and at that point I caved.

I’ve never regretted it.

The thing is, food can become contaminated – just take a look at your typical toaster tray if you don’t believe me – it will likely be full of crumbs.

And those crumbs can easily be transferred to your food.

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Ready For a Little Spring Cleaning?

Branch of spring plum blossom with pink flowers and budsNow that Spring has sprung, I thought a little Spring cleaning might be order.

No worries – what I have in mind doesn’t require any special cleaning equipment. (Definitely no vacuums, dusting cloths or spray bottles).

(Unless, of course, you choose to).

It’s no accident, by the way, that Spring is considered a time of renewal.

In fact, in ancient Chinese art, the plum blossom is a treasured symbol of Springtime – since it blooms early in the season, thus signifying new life ahead.

And in traditional Chinese medicine, Spring is also the season for cleansing – making this the perfect time of year to cleanse your home, body, and even your mind.

But here’s the most important thing you need to know:

In traditional cleanses, there is often one critical piece that’s missing!

Want to know what it is?

Keep reading and I’ll share with you exactly what I mean.

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day SmallMy most pressing concern with the upcoming Mother’s Day weekend is the huge focus on Mother’s Day Brunch.

The challenge, whether you are dining at a restaurant or someone’s home, is always – what to eat?

When you rule out Gluten, Dairy and Eggs there isn’t a whole lot left. (It’s fairly common, by the way, for someone who has Celiac Disease to be intolerant to Dairy as well).

So, I posed the question to the group and got lots of feedback, everything from a fruit tray with a creamy dip to chicken kebabs.

The key take-away?

If you’ve been invited to a Mother’s Day Brunch this year – be sure to bring food that YOU can eat.

This is one of those times you need to think of yourself first.

Actually, this rule applies whenever you are invited to a meal at someone’s home, or anytime you’re not sure what the offerings might be.

Because – not only are you special but you deserve the extra attention!

In honor of Mother’s Day, I decided to share with you a recipe for Bobotie. (Pronounced bow-bootie).

This is a delicious, meat-based casserole that I first encountered years ago when I was a guest at someone else’s home.

In fact, I thought it was so delicious, I asked for the recipe on the spot, something I don’t often do.

This would be a great addition to any buffet, whether a Brunch or potluck. Just be sure to use Gluten-Free bread and you’ll be good to go.

And to all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

Click here for recipe.