Hawaiian Interlude, cont’d

As promised, I’m back to share my story of one dream of a waiter, who treated me to an extraordinary dining experience.

He even gave me a special recipe!

On this particular evening, we enjoyed a lovely meal at the hotels’ outdoor café – complete with said waiter, who went well beyond the call of duty.

The previous night, we had explained to him our disappointment earlier in the week – a dinner that had been set up with the hotel for a special occasion.

Despite the advance notice, the meal had not only been disappointing, but confusing.

(It was unclear whether the wait staff and the kitchen even knew about my dietary restrictions).

I’ve long been aware of a certain “disconnect”, as I call it, among restaurant staff – meaning that whatever special instructions you give to your waiter might not get all the way to the chef.

This is why you always need to ask, and ask again, whether your food was properly prepared and is indeed gluten-free.

The process can be frustrating and tiresome to say the least.

So, imagine my delight when this particular waiter informed me that the hotel takes food allergies very seriously.

When dessert arrived with a non gluten-free cookie sticking out from the sorbet at a jaunty angle –  never a good sign –  he whisked it away and personally prepared a fresh serving.

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Hawaiian Interlude

As I sit here, writing these words, I realize that one week ago today, I was still on the island of Lanai, in Hawaii.

Around this time, I was likely sitting by the pool, basking in the sun, while buried in a good book.

At the time, I couldn’t imagine a better way to welcome in the New Year, and that feeling hasn’t changed!

The island of Lanai is one of the lesser known of the Hawaiian Islands – and it is certainly among the smallest.

The driver, who shuttled us from the airport to our hotel, described it this way:

“There are only three main roads, that are paved.” he said, “This one, that one, and the one over there.”

He had us laughing all the way to the hotel.

Since we were traveling, I once again resorted to my very own personal guidebook on how to travel in style – gluten-free.

You can read all about it in my previous post, if you like, or keep reading for a brief re-cap of my experience in Hawaii.

As always, I tossed a bag of cereal in my carry-on, so I knew I was good for my morning meal.

I like Udi’s Gluten-Free Granolas, preferring the original flavor sweetened only with honey.

That way, I can add my own extras like pumpkin seeds and raisins.

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Thinking Outside the Box

“Variety is the spice of life.” Anonymous

Do you ever feel like you’re in a rut?

Maybe you eat the same foods all the time? Wear the same clothes. Drive the exact same route to work, or wherever you travel on a regular basis.

The fact is – for anyone living with Celiac Disease, and/or multiple food allergies, your diet is limited by default, easily leading to meal-time ruts.

In other words, the tendency is to consume the same ‘safe’ foods over and over again.

Speaking for myself, when I find something I like, that is easy to prepare and nutritious, I will eat it repeatedly, day in and day out, without ever getting tired of it.

Well, all that changed for me recently, when my naturopath started me on a Rotation Diet.

This has nothing to do with weight loss, by the way, although I wouldn’t be surprised if a few pounds drop by the wayside while trying to maintain this new way of eating.

The goal of a Rotation Diet is to reduce repetitive intake of the same foods, giving your immune system a chance to recover from any foods you might be reactive to.

In a nutshell, it means limiting consumption of most foods to every three days, with a few exceptions here and there.

By the way, I’m in no way an expert on this subject, nor am I suggesting that anyone adopt a Rotation Diet, except on the advice of your doctor.

However, let me be honest, here.

There have been more than a few occasions – in as many weeks – when I’ve been ready to throw in the towel and say “the heck with it”.

Whether you are new to the gluten-free diet or mastered the basics years ago, you will understand.

You already know how challenging the initial adjustment can be when you need to eliminate whole categories of food from your diet, things that the rest of the world typically takes for granted.

Having to limit my meal time choices to every third day has me seriously challenged.

My solution?

I’m not sure I have one yet, although I know it means being more creative than ever in my approach to meals.

And learning to really think outside the box!

Which brings me to this weeks’ recipe.

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Back in the day, a gentleman or lady of means typically traveled with something like this.

Perfectly appointed with a travel size knife, fork and spoon and a pair of scissors – for what, I’m not exactly sure.

Fast forward to modern day travel.

Yes, travel in this day and age is certainly challenging as we navigate airports and our busy schedules.

For anyone living a gluten-free lifestyle, your travel woes are likely compounded by the constant worry of what are you going to eat?

Two weeks ago, I was in Austin, Texas followed by a few days in Asheville, North Carolina.

While I wouldn’t call myself a seasoned traveler, I do have a go-to system that I rely on whenever I travel, a system that ensures I have will have enough to eat.

Most of the time, anyway.

Because I have additional allergies, to both dairy and eggs, along with gluten, I’m unable to enjoy even a breakfast of scrambled eggs while on the go.

So I always include individual packets of gluten-free oatmeal, or a bag of gluten-free granola in my travel kit, then rely on restaurant fare for fruit or juice.

Better still, after I reach my destination, I like to stop in at a local health food store to stock up on fruits and healthy snacks. If you have a mini refrigerator in your hotel room, that’s ideal. 

As for the plane trip itself?

I’ve been using this nifty bento-style lunchbox from Laptop Lunches for about a year, and I love it!

The best part is that you can be as creative as you like with your portable meal, choosing a different food for each container.

In the photo above, I packed Sushi and my favorite stuffed Collard Greens. (this way I get in my daily greens, along with some protein and healthy carbs).

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