How long have you been a Coach?
I launched Design a Healthy Life a little over a year ago. And while I’m still relatively new to coaching, I’ve had a successful HedbergWEB Color KK10 -1interior design and consulting firm for over ten years.


What makes you an expert at it?
When it comes to Special Diets, I speak from personal experience. I’ve been following a medically prescribed Gluten-Free & allergen-free lifestyle for roughly nine years.

Personally, I think there’s nothing quite like first-hand experience to understand exactly what my clients are going through. Since I’m intimately familiar with the challenges, I know what it’s like when you’re first diagnosed, and try to go shopping – it takes forever just to read all the labels!

Over the past nine years, I’ve really mastered this. I feel very confident now about what I’m buying, because I know deep down it will support my health. 

And that’s what I’m passionate about sharing with others!

Lastly, my experience as an interior designer – and proponent of Green, sustainable design – gives me a unique insight into the importance of our home environment, and how it relates to our health.


You don’t have a medical degree & you’re not a Nutrionist – how does that work in my favor?
That’s correct. Working with a Coach is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Rather, it’s about hand holding, accountability & support. What most of us need during times of transition, is someone who has lived it and experienced it, and that’s where I come in.

Facts & diet advice alone aren’t going to help you change your lifestyle.  Often, we need additional support along the way, and that is something doctors & nutritionists typically don’t have the time for.


Who are your Clients?
In general, my clients are stressed-out individuals who are feeling overwhelmed by a recent medical diagnosis – indicating the gluten-free diet is the only path to better health.

They’re likely resistant to change, and often less confident navigating the Internet, or simply uncertain where to shop for gluten-free food. In addition, they may not have a lot of experience in the kitchen – which only adds to their stress.

Since my typical client is concerned about their health at every level, they are eager to address these concerns. After all, taking care of yourself is about a lot more than what you put into your Body – it’s just as important to know about the products you put on your Body and invite into your home.


How are you different from other Coaches?
Not only am I a passionate advocate of Food, Healthy Living, and all things Gluten-Free – but I’m also the former CEO of a successful Interior Design practice.

My training and knowledge of Green, Sustainable design, has given me a deep understanding of design principles as they relate to human health and I am committed to a home environment that also nourishes the Body & Mind.

Ultimately, your home is a place to come back to center – to re-align yourself with the best part of who you are, and who you can be. That is really what Home is all about – including adequate, restorative Sleep at the end of the day to support not only your health, but even optimal weight.

Just as important is living a balanced lifestyle, with time for both work & play. It is no accident that Balance is also one of the principle elements of interior design.


What kind of personality do you work best with?
I work best with individuals who are committed to change, and improving their health. Even though they might feel some resistance transitioning to a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or otherwise special diet, they’re willing to do the work required of them, in order to get the results they want.

This is not an easy fix – optimal results are not going to happen overnight. Rather, it’s a lifetime commitment to change, in order to achieve optimal health & wellness.

If you’re not ready to take your health issues/concerns/diagnosis seriously, this may not be the best approach for you.

And if you’re not willing to do the work – in order to see results – then my coaching services may not be the best solution.

I’m here to coach you through a difficult time & provide the tools you need for a lifetime of success and healthy living – that is my passion, and my commitment to you.


How do you work?
I like to schedule a complimentary Healthy Life Strategy Call – to see which of my Coaching Packages would be the best fit and to answer any questions you might have about our work together.

Prior to our call, I will ask you to complete a basic Client Questionnaire. This gives me some background information regarding the biggest challenges you face moving forward.

Once we decide to work together, you can schedule your Coaching Calls from the outset – so you will know well in advance – and can plan your work and family life around the monthly program content.


Can I just sign up for one session with you?
My preference is to work with a client for a minimum of one month, especially when first transitioning to the gluten-free diet & a healthier lifestyle. Again, optimal results are not going to happen overnight.


Does this really work?


What results can I expect?
Greater confidence and less overwhelm, as you learn the ins and outs of your special diet and eating gluten-free – but also living a healthier lifestyle, in general. By the end of your Coaching sessions with me, you will know exactly where to shop and what to look for.

Plus you will have on-going, weekly support for the duration of our time together.

Especially when it comes to radically changing their eating habits, my clients are usually amazed at how easy the gluten-free diet in particular, can be once they get over the initial hurdles and negative mindsets.


Why do I need you? Can’t I just do this on my own?
That usually depends on how self-motivated you are. I find that most of my clients come to me, because they are burnt out and frustrated, and tired of the struggle. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of needing a little more direction, to get them back on track.

For many of us, having someone to not only advise you in the initial stages, but also hold you accountable, is really an incredible gift.

Plus, when it comes to creating a sanctuary in your home that really supports your health on every level – the ins and outs of how to achieve this are often elusive.


I’m really busy and overwhelmed. How much time is involved before I get results?
When it comes to your health, there aren’t any shortcuts. This includes making whatever changes might be necessary in your home to fully support you on your journey.

Besides, with all your hard work, it only makes sense to look at every aspect of your environment and explore how each decision impacts your health and well-being.

But there are certainly ways you can jump-start your efforts – such as my 30-Day Kickstart Package that provides ready access to me, along with soon-to-be-released videos & tutorials.


How can I get the very best results fast?
Designing a Healthy Life means making your home work for you – not the other way around.

It means thinking twice about what you bring INTO your environment, and how it impacts your immediate & long term health – physically, mentally & emotionally!

In the beginning – especially if you’ve been diagnosed as Celiac – just eliminating gluten from your diet can bring incredible results. However, everyone is different, and for some it might take longer than others. If you’re like most of us, then you’ve been eating gluten, and other highly allergenic foods your entire life. It’s what our culture is based on. So, it can take awhile to get it out of your system and develop new mindsets, while allowing your gut to heal.

The same goes for improving the quality of your home environment. Nothing happens overnight. It does help to be patient!

But if you’re really in a hurry – you can sign up for my 30-Day Kickstart Package for ready access to me, along with soon-to-be-released videos & tutorials.


Will I see a return on my investment?
I believe that investing in your health is like Supplemental Insurance. In fact, my mantra is: “It’s better to buy well than make frequent trips to the doctor.”

In other words, by paying more for wholesome, nourishing food, eating in a way that is appropriate for your body, and addressing your home environment – you will likely see your medical costs go down while your health improves.


I’ve never invested in myself like this before. How can I justify this expense?
I think it’s important to look at the long-term costs, if you don’t invest in yourself. I often suggest to my clients they take a moment to write down the 3 biggest long-term costs to their health if they don’t make a change to their lifestyle.

You might be surprised by your own answers!

Again, my philosophy is that you will incur much greater long-term expense, if your health continues to spiral. It’s OK to ask for help. Some of us just need a little extra motivation and support.

And yes, I get that it’s an investment. Most people are a bit scared when it comes to investing in themselves – mostly because there’s a tendency in our culture, to feel that spending money on oneself is selfish. I recently heard Kris Carr say that “It’s selfish not to take care of yourself. Because (if you don’t) at some point, someone else will have to take care of you.”

And that’s absolutely true!

When your health is at stake, it’s really all the more critical to get the support you need, especially if you’re struggling to do this on your own.


If I’m not quite ready to get started, is there a way to sample your work?
Sure. You can access my Blog at for weekly articles. You also have the option of downloading my FREE OFFER – “The Healthy Life Toolkit”.


I have a few questions for you. Can I talk with you on the phone?
I’m happy to schedule a complimentary Healthy Life Strategy Call. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions about my programs & the kind of work I do, and ultimately decide if working with me feels like a good fit.

Please contact me at to schedule your Free Call.