How To Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

Coffee Vanilla Latte with two tied beans in tall glass on hessiaOkay, you might be wondering why you’d even want to do that.

After all, can’t you go to any grocery store and snatch a bottle of vanilla extract off the shelf?

Already prepared and manufactured?

And isn’t it gluten-free?

And yes, the answer to each of those questions is likely “Yes”.

(Although you might want to call the manufacturer to see whether it’s indeed gluten-free).

So, the real issue here is Corn.

If you are sensitive to corn, or avoid it for any reason, please note that most extracts are made from alcohol.

And those alcohols are typically corn based.

When I stopped eating corn products several years ago, I was stumped by several things.

Including the fact there’s cornstarch in powdered sugar!

(I went through an entire holiday season with powdered sugar in almost every holiday treat I baked, and was totally clueless).

So yes, extracts are another one of those gray areas.

And when I couldn’t find a suitable vanilla extract on store shelves, I decided to make my own.

It’s actually super easy to do – it just takes a little more time.

But then, I’ve found it’s often that way with most things in life, especially the things that are worth waiting for.



2 cups Vodka – be sure it’s made from Potatoes!

2 -3 Vanilla Beans


Combine the vodka and vanilla beans in a glass jar.

Let it sit on the counter for several days for the flavors to steep and fully blend. Remove the vanilla beans and discard.

Your homemade vanilla extract is now ready to use in your favorite baked goods!

Easy, right?

Now it’s your turn.

What foods do you typically make from scratch?

What foods would you try making yourself if you knew how?


To learn more, or to work with Karen directly, please contact her at to schedule a complementary Healthy Life Strategy Session!

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