An acquaintance of mine – whose true identity shall remain anonymous – swears that whenever she has fish in a restaurant she gets sick.

As it happens, the restaurant setting is the only place she will eat fish, or seafood, since she never prepares it herself, at home.

That I can understand.

I rarely cook fish at home, myself, only because other family members dislike the fishy smell that tends to permeate the house.

So, whenever I dine at a restaurant – fish or seafood is usually my go-to meal.

And I can honestly say, it never, ever makes me sick.

So here’s the thing.

If eating fish makes you ill every single time – regardless of the restaurant – maybe something else is brewing?

Maybe, just maybe, my friend gets sick because she simply can’t tolerate fish due to either a food allergy or sensitivity.

I’m guessing it has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurant.

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