Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day SmallMy most pressing concern with the upcoming Mother’s Day weekend is the huge focus on Mother’s Day Brunch.

The challenge, whether you are dining at a restaurant or someone’s home, is always – what to eat?

When you rule out Gluten, Dairy and Eggs there isn’t a whole lot left. (It’s fairly common, by the way, for someone who has Celiac Disease to be intolerant to Dairy as well).

So, I posed the question to the group and got lots of feedback, everything from a fruit tray with a creamy dip to chicken kebabs.

The key take-away?

If you’ve been invited to a Mother’s Day Brunch this year – be sure to bring food that YOU can eat.

This is one of those times you need to think of yourself first.

Actually, this rule applies whenever you are invited to a meal at someone’s home, or anytime you’re not sure what the offerings might be.

Because – not only are you special but you deserve the extra attention!

In honor of Mother’s Day, I decided to share with you a recipe for Bobotie. (Pronounced bow-bootie).

This is a delicious, meat-based casserole that I first encountered years ago when I was a guest at someone else’s home.

In fact, I thought it was so delicious, I asked for the recipe on the spot, something I don’t often do.

This would be a great addition to any buffet, whether a Brunch or potluck. Just be sure to use Gluten-Free bread and you’ll be good to go.

And to all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

Click here for recipe.

My Favorite Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie Extra SmallIt’s been a while since I’ve posted a recipe, so I decided this week that a new smoothie recipe was definitely in order.

Especially since I’ve been drinking this just about every day!

(It occurred to me – why not share?)

I created this filling and refreshing drink several weeks ago, and have since dubbed it my “Favorite Green Smoothie”.

(The days that I don’t drink this – whether I ran out of the ingredients, or just didn’t have time – I feel like something’s missing). 

So what’s so special about this particular smoothie?

Well, everyone is different, of course, so what seems special to me might not seem so wonderful to the next person.

Since I like my meals and snacks to be both satisfying and nutritious – this more to do, perhaps, with how I might feel afterwards.

You see, a smoothie is very easy on the digestion. (For anyone with compromised digestion, this is often the way to go).

It’s also an excellent way to get your daily dose of greens – along with an amazing array of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

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What Is Your Headache Telling You?

Diagram of health“Non-celiac gluten sensitvity and celiac disease are like two sisters. The oldest is celiac disease, and the youngest is non-celiac gluten sensitivity.”

Dr Umberto Volta


Could your headache be related to what you are eating?

As you may have guessed, the short answer to that question is – yes. And it isn’t just your headache, either – any aches or pains you’re experiencing throughout your body, could easily be related to your diet.

Case in point – not too long ago, I tweaked my back, prompting a call to my chiropractor.

I had no idea what I’d done to cause this, but I knew he would set me right again.

During the exam, he asked me “What did you eat the day before?”

“Seriously?” I thought. (I was both surprised and mystified by the question).

A few years ago, I might have scoffed at the mere suggestion of a connection between my diet and a persistent pain in my back.

But if my journey over the past few years has taught me anything, it’s that everything in our body is so closely interconnected, that what might seem implausible on the surface, is often worth a closer look.

In other words, more often than not – our diets really are the culprit behind our physical symptoms.

(Often setting you back several months, in your quest to quell the inflammation in your body, and ultimately feel human again).

Of course, several days had gone by prior to my visit with the chiropractor, and I really wasn’t sure what I’d eaten.

He was very specific, though.

Had I perhaps ingested some gluten? Dairy?

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Is Your Brain Working?

BrainWhat are you reading these days?

This past week, I’ve been immersed in a book called “Why Isn’t My Brain Working?” by Datis Kharrazian, DHS.

Recommended to me by my nutritionist, it’s proven to be an excellent read!

Of course, there are all kinds of reasons why you’re brain might not be functioning at top speed, and undetected Celiac Disease or food sensitivities are certainly among them.

That’s why I’m especially enjoying the chapters on Gluten Sensitivity – and the Gut-Brain Axis.

The former includes an extensive breakdown of the appropriate tests your doctor needs to run before ruling out anything.

Cause here’s the thing:

If your doctor only tests you for Celiac Disease, you could still be highly sensitive to gluten and not know it.

Also, did you know that a gluten reaction could show up just as easily in the brain as the stomach?

The good news is that a qualified medical professional will know to look for this, so you want to make extra sure that you’re in good hands.

The Noise In The Room

You are fired! “Every part of your body & every cell in your body communicates with every other part of your body & every other cell. Everybody’s talking at the same time.”

Mark Hyman, M.D.


Have you ever found yourself in a crowded room full of people?

Did you happen to notice the cacophony of voices as you found yourself speaking as loud as possible to the person seated right next to you – trying to be heard above the din?

Well, that’s the kind of noise that’s going on in your body all the time.

The above quote illustrates this perfectly!

It makes sense, of course, since everything’s interconnected.

Of course, you’re not aware of this noise in your body.

It’s more like a low hum in the background, so faint you really can’t hear it at all.

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Is This Your New Normal?

PackagesHave you felt some resistance accepting the reality of your food sensitivities?

Perhaps you’ve fought the urge to cheat a little bit – just this once?

After all, you probably want to be just like everyone else, especially in social situations, or when dining out.

You want what they’re having.

Today, I thought I’d share with you a little story.

If you’ve been following my blog lately, or reading my newsletter, then you already know that my eighty-nine year old mother recently went gluten-free.

(And also dairy-free.)

This was the result of a visit to my naturopath.

(And yes, even though I knew in my gut that taking my mother to see a naturopath was a good idea, I started to question my decision soon after – wondering if I was doing the right thing).

Was it fair to put an 89-year-old woman through this, and change her diet after a lifetime of eating a certain way?

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5 Healthy Habits for Optimal Sleep

Baby AsleepMy clients are sometimes surprised to hear that I place so much emphasis on a good night’s sleep.

They wonder what sleep has to do with their food sensitivities and digestive health.

And that’s a great question!

When you think about the purpose of sleep, the primary role is to rest and repair – so that your body can function optimally come morning.

If you consistently go to bed too late, or wake up early, or your sleep is interrupted – your body can’t fully restore itself.

So you end up feeling sluggish and hungrier than usual, and start making poor food choices because your blood sugar is out of whack, and it’s all because you didn’t get enough sleep.

And yes – you might also gain weight!

(With a tendency to hang on to those extra pounds, no matter how hard you try to lose them).

Of course, nothing exists in a vacuum, and developing healthy sleep habits is just one part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

So pick one habit from the list below, and let’s get started!

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Are You Eating Backwards?

Dining OutManners aside, I’d never given much thought to whether I was eating “correctly” while growing up.

Meals were served to me three times a day, and I ate them dutifully.

This didn’t change much until 7th Grade, when I took my first Home Economics class.

(Back in those days, it was a requirement for all female students).

That’s when I first learned there were RULES to eating food.

Things like – it’s important to vary color throughout a meal, so you should never serve a meal that is “all-white” like chicken, white rice and cauliflower.

(I like to think that those first lessons on color have served me well as an interior designer).

We also learned the importance of including the four food groups at every meal – meat, dairy, grains, plus fruit and vegetables.

(My, how that one has changed!)

This was my introduction to the basics of nutrition, and many years later those early lessons have served me well.

However, the older I get, not only do the basic rules keep shifting, but new ones are introduced all the time.

For example, I now know that it’s perfectly OK to avoid dairy – even though it’s one of the basic food groups.

In fact, if you continue to eat the food you’re actually allergic to, chances are you will be… [Read more…]

10 Americans – A Gem Of A Video

Pile of PancakesOK, that image might be a bit misleading, but bear with me here.

(There actually IS a large pancake stack in this wonderful video I’m about to share with you – titled “10 Americans).

Over the past year, I’ve been working with an Environmental Toxins Expert – learning as much as I can about the home environment in particular and the many little things we can do to create change.

(As a former interior designer, with an eye on Green Design – this was right up my alley!)

That’s why, whenever possible, I like to broaden the conversation – so that we’re not just talking about food sensitivities, but understanding that other environmental factors can also impact our health.

Just to share an example – did you know that the average female consumer uses a dozen personal care products every day (which may, or may not contain gluten)? And that those products alone, contain in the neighborhood of 168 different chemicals?

(Men use about half as many products – containing 85 different chemicals, or so.)

Either way you look at it, that’s a lot!

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Of GMO’s & Things

GMOHave you heard the conversation about genetically modified organisms in our food supply?

Some are calling this an extremely risky human experiment – and rightly so.

That’s because no one really knows how harmful these genetically modified organisms (aka GMO’s) might be.

In Europe and many other countries there’s a strict ban on GMO foods – until they’re proven safe.

Here in the USA we’ve taken the opposite approach, which is to declare genetically modified foods as safe until we learn otherwise.

Why is that?

Well, it’s hard to say for sure, but one thing we do know is that the scientific experiments that would prove these foods safe for human consumption, just haven’t been done.

(And if you do happen to hear a claim to the contrary, chances are that particular scientist was hired by the very company manufacturing the genetically modified food – a conflict of interest if there ever was one.)

Unfortunately, genetically engineered corn and soy are two of the biggest culprits.

So, unless you are purchasing organic products, you can be almost certain that GMO’s are in the food you are feeding your family.

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