Setting You Up for Success

Woman with her arms wide openDoes this sound like you:

You often feel like less than a million bucks?

You have Celiac disease, a gluten- related disorder or food sensitivities?

Your doctor send you home, with nothing more than a few handouts and minimal instructions?

What I’ve come to realize over the past year, is that it really isn’t enough to simply remove gluten from the diet.

Cause let’s face it – by the time you got a diagnosis, you’re body had already been under assault for years, from the very foods you suddenly learned you were sensitive to.

So, it goes without question that, really, that you also need to repair some of that damage – and do your best to quiet down the inflammation inside of you.

Yet, the average person is given little more than minimal instructions, at the time of diagnosis – other than “Stop eating gluten.”

Sound familiar?

Sadly, this has become the #1 reason why only 30% of people with celiac disease heal on a gluten-free diet alone.

Simply put, there’s more work to be done! (Yet is anyone telling you this?)

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5 Simple Ways to Pamper Your Skin

Gal Toiletries SmallDid you know that your skin is your largest organ?

It’s also your body’s #1 defense against the outside world.

Back in the early days when I first went gluten-free, I attended a lecture that was geared toward gluten-free folks like you and me.

The presenter was very insistent that there was no need to be concerned about putting gluten-containing products on our skin.

He said it was virtually impossible for gluten in skin care products to be a problem – because we weren’t ingesting it.

At the time, I thought it made sense.

But guess what?

He was wrong!

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Are You Vulnerable?

Weakest LinkGrowing up, I thought I was fairly invincible.

This would explain the concussion at age 8, from falling off my bike. (I was trying to stand on the handle bars).

It would also explain the ski accident four years later that put me in a cast for several months.

(While you might still find me on the slopes, I’ve never again skied downhill quite so fast).

When it came to food, I thought I had an iron stomach.

I was extremely proud of the fact that I could eat pretty much anything.

Fast forward a good many years, and things have definitely changed.

In fact, the older I get, the more vulnerable I seem to be.

Is this simply what happens as you get older? Or is there something more going on?

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Celiac Disease & Gluten-Sensitivity – Should You Be Tested?

CautionlDo you regularly experience any of these symptoms?

  • Digestive Complaints
  • Cramps, Bloating or Gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Sinus Congestion
  • Joint Pain
  • Rash or Itching
  • Insomnia
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • Memory Loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weight Gain
  • Mood Swings

Perhaps you know others who do?

While this list is by no means comprehensive, the thing to note is that NONE of these symptoms are NORMAL!

It’s also why it’s critically important to take a closer look at what you’re eating – and to know whether you have Celiac Disease – or non-celiac Gluten sensitivity.

While food sensitivities would also be great to test for, you want to rule out gluten first and foremost.

Here’s why:

Gluten-Related Disorders are known to be the cause behind almost every disease, or symptom within the human body – neurological disorders, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, – especially anything related to your thyroid – plus common age-related diseases such as osteoporosis.

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Breakfast of Champions

Avocado smoothieWhat do you eat for breakfast?

Do you grab a bowl from the cupboard, snatch a bag of gluten-free cereal, and call it a meal?

If you’ve included some fruit – such as fresh, organic berries – that’s terrific.

Truth is, you’re doing exactly what most Americans do, starting the day with a bowl of cereal and fruit.

(And while that’s OK, it’s not ideal – I’ll tell you why in a moment).

Breakfast can often be the most challenging meal, once you switch to a gluten-free diet.

At first, it might seem easy – all you need to do is trade your favorite breakfast cereal for a gluten-free substitute.

And that works just fine, until you hop on a plane and travel to a strange city. Now what do you do?

Another consideration is whether you have additional food sensitivities such as dairy or even eggs – in which case breakfast becomes even more of a challenge.

Seriously – what’s left to eat?

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Is Detox A 4-Letter Word?

Bathroom ScaleWe’re just a few days into the New Year, and hardly a day goes by that I don’t come across an email or Facebook post advocating a full body Detox or Cleanse.

The general idea is to undo the damage from all the holiday indulgence.

(I even offer an Extreme Kitchen Makeover – not quite the same thing, but a detox just the same.)

So, what’s the point of a Detox, anyway?

Is this just some “new agey” thing?

Why would the human body even need to detox? And what exactly are you detoxing from?

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How To Take Care of Your Inner Child

PlayAs the year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect once again, on the past twelve months and assess how far you’ve come.

That means celebrating your successes, for sure!

Perhaps it also means, taking the time to reflect on your “inner child”! (i.e. the part of you that hasn’t quite grown up).

Because no matter your age or how many decades have whizzed by, you’re still “young at heart” – wouldn’t you agree? 

This is exactly why your inner child still needs your attention.

Lots of it!

So let me ask you:

Are you taking care of your “inner child”?

Here are 3 easy things you can do to give her the love she needs.
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A Gluten-Free Cookie is Still A Cookie

TrufflesThe holidays are in full swing, no question about it.

And with that comes temptations galore, as you fend off one sweet, gluten-filled treat after another.

But do the holidays – or any special occasion for that matter – really mean you have to forego everything that’s sweet and tasty?

Of course not!

There are hundreds of blogs and cookbooks available to you, filled with mouth-watering, delicious recipes that cater to your special diet – be it gluten-free, vegan, or something in between.

So perhaps the bigger question is this:

Can a cookie – or any sweet treat – still be part of a ‘healthy- aging’ lifestyle?

And my answer is “Yes, absolutely!”

However, there is a caveat.

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A Sugar-Free Christmas? Bah Humbug!

Lebkuchen3lA couple of years ago, I decided to cut back on my intake of refined sugar.

And I’ve shared my various successes baking with alternate sweeteners here and here.

Of course, there are lots of reasons why you might want to consume less sugar than the Standard American Diet (aka SAD).

However, if you’re experiencing any kind of digestive distress, or chronic illness, then sugar is one of the first things I’d recommend you eliminate.

After gluten, of course!

(Both gluten and sugar, along with dairy, are considered the top three most inflammatory foods).

So, that’s reason #1.

Here’s another reason to eliminate sugar: a yeast or bacterial overgrowth, such as Candida or SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth).

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Let’s Talk Turkey!

Whole Homemade Thanksgiving TurkeyHave you checked your calendar?

Thanksgiving is just a few days away!

If you happen to be new to the gluten-free lifestyle, you might be tearing your hair out right about now.

Perhaps you’ve even decided that the holidays are too much of a challenge and more than you can handle.

How will you ever get through it?

Well, this is true.

It might very well be a challenge.

In the weeks to come, your senses will be assaulted with treats of every kind, beginning with the Thanksgiving turkey and all the traditional side dishes.

To help you survive the big day, here are a few of my favorite tips:

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