Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?
Not only that, it’s also your body’s #1 defense against the outside world. And it gets more fascinating still – since you have both an outside skin, and an inside skin.
(That inside skin covers things like your digestive tract and your respiratory system – not necessarily something you would think about)
Back in the early days when I first went gluten-free, I attended a lecture that was geared toward gluten-free folks like you and me.
The presenter was very insistent that there was no need to be concerned about putting gluten-containing products on our skin.
He said it was virtually impossible for gluten in skin care products to be a problem – because we weren’t ingesting it.
At the time, I thought it made sense.
But guess what?
He was wrong!
While it’s true that we don’t ingest our toiletries or cosmetics – whatever we put on our skin does get absorbed.
And that’s important!