The Noise In The Room

“Every part of your body & every cell in your body communicates with every other part of your body & every other cell. Everybody’s talking at the same time.”

Mark Hyman, M.D.


Have you ever found yourself in a crowded room full of people?

Did you happen to notice the cacophony of voices as you found yourself speaking as loud as possible to the person seated right next to you – trying to be heard above the din?

Well, that’s the kind of noise that’s going on in our bodies all the time.

Of course, we’re not aware of this noise in our bodies.

It’s more like a low hum in the background, so faint we really can’t hear it at all.

In fact, the only way our body really “talks” to us – to let us know when something is wrong – is to signal pain or discomfort.

Our energy levels might be low, or we feel tired, depressed or hungry.

We might be running a fever, or experience what’s referred to as “brain fog” (i.e fuzzy thinking).

Truth is, there are any number of ways our bodies can let us know when things are out of whack.

And yet, we don’t always listen.

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