What Are You Resisting?

CautionlDoes this sound familiar?

You’re at a restaurant, watching the person next to you devour a pile of crisp sweet potato fries.

They look SO tempting.

In that moment – what would you do?

Would you reach over and grab one, without a moment’s thought?

Which of the following outcomes best describes you?


A)  You FIGHT the urge – you’d really like to sample just one.

B)  You CAVE – there’s no way you can sit there and not have a taste.

C)  You RESIST – as tempting as it might be, you remind yourself that it’s not worth the physical pain and discomfort.
Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios?

Of course, if you answered (C) – that is the correct answer!

It’s where you ultimately want to be, not only on occasion, but all the time.

Let’s go through the other two scenarios again, one by one.

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