Ever notice how easy it is to get caught up in mainstream thinking?
And the belief there’s a “pill for every ill”?
If it were indeed true that your mystery symptoms and excess weight could be banished through medication alone, that would be awesome indeed.
But the truth is, there ISN’T a Magic Solution – at least, not in the way that you might think.
Thing is, there IS a way to get back the health you so desperately seek.
It’s a ‘magical solution’ of a different sort – one that already lies within YOU!
After all, you are the one who:
- Decides what you will eat each day
- Decides how you will spend your time, or who you will spend it with
- Decides whether to go to bed or stay up longer to watch TV, read, or catch up on Facebook
In other words, YOU are ultimately the one who determines your health and well-being.
Every single choice that you make, every single day – be it a wise one, or a little less wise – you are the one in control.
You might not have considered the power that you have, so perhaps that sounds far-fetched.
So let me suggest this:
Rather than continue to seek that Magic Solution ‘out there’ – be it the latest dietary dogma, or weight-loss fad – why not bring it back to YOU?
What feels right for YOU?
Your uniqueness is something I can’t stress enough!
A one-size fits all diet? There’s no such thing!
What works for me, or your next-door neighbor isn’t going to work for YOU.
Some years ago, a neighbor of mine expressed her wish to “wave a magic wand” and have her home and life instantly transformed.
Think of it – a magic wand!
It’s a captivating thought, indeed.
What if that Magic Wand was YOU?
When you wave that wand, you transform:
- Your diet, nourishing yourself fully from within
- Your lifestyle, so you sleep more and stress less
- Your home environment, so it supports your health & well-being
The result?
- Your weight will stabilize
- You’ll sleep soundly
- Your digestion will function smoothly (as it’s supposed to)
- You’ll be a lot less stressed
- You’ll feel younger and more vibrant
- You’ll realize that getting aging isn’t about being old and sick
Does that sound too good to be true?
To learn more and schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation, contact me at info@designahealthylife.com
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