Have You Read “Wheat Belly”?

WHEAT BELLYI just finished reading the much-acclaimed book “Wheat Belly” by Dr. William Davis.

It certainly confirmed for me, why the book has been so popular. (I now consider this a must-read).

In his book, Dr. Davis does an elegant job of describing the evolution of modern, hybridized what, and why so many of us have a hard time digesting this modern wonder that leads to so many healthy concerns – not just limited to the digestive system, either.

Dr. Davis also discusses, in detail, the Glycemic Index – an equally important part of the overall picture.

If you’re not familiar with it, the Glycemic Index is a means of measuring how quickly your blood sugar rises upon eating a particular food.

And the foods that have the greatest impact on your blood sugar are – no surprise – carbohydrates, especially whole grain bread!

That means wheat, of course.

And gluten.

Which is, of course, found in all the foods we’ve been taught to believe are good for us – things like bread, pasta, and baked goods too numerous to mention.

(It turns out that whole wheat bread is an even worse offender than table sugar – and gluten-free bread isn’t much better!)

The book is an eye-opener, for sure. Even if you’ve been diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity, and have already eliminated gluten from your diet – you’ll come away with a renewed respect for the lifestyle you’ve already adopted.

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