Have You Bought Into this Myth?

Aging Hands-Healthy LivingNo doubt you’ve heard what the media says about getting older.

All that stuff about genetics and that it goes downhill from there – meaning you’ll be old and sick, tired and achy well before your time – and have to give up your favorite foods, and favorite activities.

Well, guess what?

None of it is true!

Chances are you’re already convinced that being old and sick is just the way it is.

It’s a normal part of getting older, and there’s not a whole lot you can do about it, right?


What about your genes? Isn’t sickness and poor health a foregone conclusion, based on your heredity? Aren’t you doomed form the get-go?

A lot of this confusion about getting older – what I call the ‘myth of aging’ – is based on this outdated belief that your genes are your destiny.

Yet nothing could be further from the truth.

How do I know this?

Look around you, and you’ll find plenty of research that supports what I’m saying – you just need to know where to look. [Read more…]

3 Common Myths of Environmental Toxins

GMOThere are lots of myths out there about environmental toxins, detoxing, and whether or not it’s even a necessary thing to worry about.

So, let’s jump right in and discuss these, one by one. (and be sure to check out the Special Invite at the very end...)



My Body Is Designed to Rid Itself of Toxins – Without Any Help From Me

This particular myth is, in part, true.

Your body is designed to detoxify it’s internal environment, and it accomplishes this task through various specific pathways:

  • Your Skin (i.e. sweat)
  • Your Digestive tract (i.e. elimination)
  • Your Kidneys
  • Your Liver

In fact, your liver is the powerhouse for the entire detoxification process.

However, it’s also where things can go wrong.

[Read more…]

7 Myths of the Gluten-Free Diet

It’s Too Expensive

While it’s true to some extent that eating Gluten-Free can be expensive, I do believe that there are ways to cut costs and still eat well.

I’m also a firm believer in emphasizing Quality – whether we’re talking food, design or clothing.

Anything of Quality is going to serve you well.

Clothing and furniture will last that much longer, and when it comes to food, well, it’s your health that’s at stake.

So even if the Gluten-Free lifestyle is a bit of an investment for you, I prefer to think of this as Supplemental Insurance.

In other words, you are investing in & taking better care of your body, with the ultimate goal of reducing your trips to the doctor  – and medical costs in general.

I’ve addressed this belief further in my Free Guide:  7 Ways to Design a Gluten Free Life.


It’s OK to Cheat

Actually, it’s never OK to cheat, especially if you’re Celiac and you know better.

I’ve heard horror stories about people who became a good deal sicker – beyond the point of ever being able to recover their health – just from not taking their gluten-free lifestyle seriously.

Again, this comes down to the gluten-free diet being a medical necessity if you are to maintain your health.

If it isn’t a necessity for you, and you’ve adopted a gluten-free diet for non-medical reasons, then that is a very different scenario.


The Gluten-Free Diet is Synonymous With Deprivation

Absolutely not.

This is the equivalent of telling yourself that you will never again be able to splurge on your favorite foods.

Or splurge, period.

I think you can absolutely have your cake and eat it too! These days, you can find gluten-free baked goods in any grocery store, and there are many gluten-free bakeries  – some of them even ship!

[Read more…]