Is A Raw Foods Diet For You?

AvocadoThe Raw Foods diet seems to be all the rage lately, and while it’s a seemingly healthy way of eating, I’m by no means an expert.

Which is why, when an acquaintance asked me:  “Are Raw Foods always Gluten-Free?” – I almost caught myself saying ‘yes’ before realizing that wasn’t necessarily true.

Eating Raw Foods involves sprouting grains – and those grains can be just about anything!

Which means, if you are sprouting wheat, or barley – then no, this is not a viable solution for your gluten-free diet.

It comes down to knowing which grains, or foods in general, are gluten-free in their natural state, and which are not.

I have a few cookbooks that are based on raw food and I’ve even dabbled with a few recipes.

(Really, you need a cookbook to prepare foods that don’t require cooking?)

Ultimately, though, I like plenty of variety in my meals.

While I eat a fair amount of salads, and other foods in their raw state, I still prefer cold foods when the weather is warmer, and warming foods on colder days.

Also, if you’re going to go all out with the Raw Foods diet, it really pays to have a dehydrator.

And while I’ve been tempted, I haven’t bought one.

The reason why is simple. I already have way too much kitchen equipment and from what I’ve seen dehydrators are fairly large.

I have no idea where I’d store the thing, and I just don’t want anything else cluttering my kitchen counters.

Also, if I stop to ask myself “Do I really need it?” – the answer is no.

Yes, it’s possible to use your oven instead, and I have tried this but haven’t been all that thrilled with the results.

One other thing.

As an experienced veteran of the gluten-free diet, there are still days when I open my fridge and feel that there’s nothing to eat.

That’s because I haven’t taken the time to prepare anything ahead of time.

And that’s the thing.

I already make most of my food from scratch, and I know that it can be time-consuming.

It can take even more time to soak and sprout your seeds and grains, which is usually what’s expected on a Raw Foods diet.

Plus hours more to dehydrate them.

If you are already new to the gluten-free diet, I think you’d be setting yourself up for an enormous challenge, and possible failure.

This is an even bigger concern if you are eating gluten-free for medically prescribed reasons!

I‘d rather see you completely comfortable, and familiar with, the gluten-free lifestyle before trying anything else.

Of course, we are all different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Me – I’m not one to fully embrace a Raw Foods diet, mostly because I already have a number of food allergies and sensitivities, and I don’t wish to be deprived any more than I already am.

Besides, the pleasure of eating comes from enjoying the foods that comfort you, as well as the foods you really love.


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