Search Results for: aches & pains

Are You Losing Your Mind?

AlzheimerDo you ever have days where you’re feeling super forgetful?

Like not remembering the name of your favorite book, or movie, or that ‘thingy’ you’ve been meaning to buy for weeks – what was that called again?

Maybe you’ve realized that the lines have blurred over the sequence leading up to an event that – even though it happened years ago, used to be so clear in your mind.

A ‘Brian Williams’ moment, if you will.

Then again, maybe you’re thinking one thing, but the words don’t come out quite right.

What the heck is that all about?

Are you losing your mind?

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How to Look 20, When You’re Well Past 50 (60, Even)

HedbergWEB Color KK32 CROPPicture this.

A friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile, exclaimed upon seeing me – that I looked about 20.

Of course, I was pleasantly surprised and secretly quite pleased to hear this.

After all, it isn’t exactly easy to pass for 40 years younger than your actual age!

“What about my gray hair?” I asked her, thinking that was a dead give-away.

She brushed that aside, saying it didn’t mean a whole lot.

Well, OK then.

Of course, I doubt that I REALLY look like a 20 year old. (When I look in the mirror, I’m as critical as the next person).
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Is Removing Gluten Always the Answer?

gluten free word with wood backgroundShould you remove gluten from your diet?

I get asked this question a lot.

And the short answer is “It depends”.

It depends on what’s going on in your body.

It depends on the signs and symptoms you’re experiencing.

And it also depends on your test results!

Of course, if your tests come back negative, then you’re in the clear – at least for the time being – more on that later.

But it’s super important that you get the RIGHT tests!

And you don’t want to stop there, either.

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What’s On Your Bucket List?

Overflowing bucketYou’ve heard of a Bucket List, right?

That list of things you’ve always wanted to do, but never quite got around to?

In a nutshell, a Bucket List is a way of setting some goals for yourself, namely what you’d like to accomplish in this life, before moving on.

And it’s an awesome idea!

(Perhaps you’ve even seen the movie by that name?)

Today I’d like to share with you a different sort of Bucket List.

It’s an analogy, if you will, a way of looking at the hand you’ve been dealt – your medical history, along with your entire life trajectory and challenges along the way.

In other words, everything that’s you led to where you are today.

So, here’s the thing.

Picture a bucket of water – with the water level stopping about two inches from the top.

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The Window Screen In Your Gut

Bread CrustDoes this sound familiar?

You’ve recently eliminated several foods from your diet – such as gluten or dairy – knowing that you’re sensitive to them.

And you’re eating other foods instead.

Maybe you’re even eating a lot of these other foods – they’re ‘safe’ after all.

And the next thing you know, you’ve become sensitive to those foods.

What the heck is going on?

Is this just a part of getting older? Or is there a better explanation?

Well, here’s an analogy I think you’ll like.

If you think of your average window screen, its job is to keep bugs and gnats out of your home – letting in only the good stuff.

The good stuff being fresh air!

However, what happens if there are holes in that window screen?

Next thing you know, a mosquito or two will be buzzing about your head or maybe even a larger insect.

Now compare this to what might be going on your digestive tract.

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What Is Your Headache Telling You?

Diagram of health“Non-celiac gluten sensitvity and celiac disease are like two sisters. The oldest is celiac disease, and the youngest is non-celiac gluten sensitivity.”

Dr Umberto Volta


Could your headache be related to what you are eating?

As you may have guessed, the short answer to that question is – yes. And it isn’t just your headache, either – any aches or pains you’re experiencing throughout your body, could easily be related to your diet.

Case in point – not too long ago, I tweaked my back, prompting a call to my chiropractor.

I had no idea what I’d done to cause this, but I knew he would set me right again.

During the exam, he asked me “What did you eat the day before?”

“Seriously?” I thought. (I was both surprised and mystified by the question).

A few years ago, I might have scoffed at the mere suggestion of a connection between my diet and a persistent pain in my back.

But if my journey over the past few years has taught me anything, it’s that everything in our body is so closely interconnected, that what might seem implausible on the surface, is often worth a closer look.

In other words, more often than not – our diets really are the culprit behind our physical symptoms.

(Often setting you back several months, in your quest to quell the inflammation in your body, and ultimately feel human again).

Of course, several days had gone by prior to my visit with the chiropractor, and I really wasn’t sure what I’d eaten.

He was very specific, though.

Had I perhaps ingested some gluten? Dairy?

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Work With Karen

If you’ve just found out that you suffer from food allergies and you want to learn how you can live, shop, eat, sleep, and play without worry, fear or overwhelm –

then you’re in the exact right place!

Hi. I’m Karen Trubner-Kent,
I’ m here to help you design a healthy life you can embrace and love!

My mission and commitment is to help you joyously navigate your life while honoring your food sensitivities.

If any of these complaints have been present in your daily life until today:

Digestive distress
Abdominal pain
“Brain Fog”

Rest assured, that once you’ve changed your diet, these daily complaints will soon be replace by these following benefits :

No abdominal pain or discomfort after meals
Pain free joints
Clear thinking
Increased Energy
Fewer Headaches

That alone is cause for celebration!

Another thing I know to be true – based on over a decade as a successful interior designer and a lifelong passion for health and fitness is this:

When life is orchestrated around these five essential pillars –
Sleep, and

– everything gets a whole lot easier!

That’s because everything is interconnected — from the food we eat, to the products we use, to the spaces we inhabit and everything we consume – it’s like a giant puzzle, every piece of which affects our health.

Here’s a sample list of the many ways your home can support your new lifestyle and nourish you from within:


  • From your pantry to your dining room table, and beyond – you’ll think twice about everything you put into and on your body
  • You’ll learn how stress can sabotage or accelerate your success
  • You’ll discover how clearing away clutter creates a positive mindset
  • You’ll learn that creating a healthy diet & home doesn’t mean living in an antiseptic environment; rather it’s about surrounding yourself with things you love – including the foods you eat, simply by finding healthier alternatives

Fruit Veggies


If you are serious about navigating this important journey with an expert guide to show you the way and hold you accountable – then schedule your complimentary Healthy Life Strategy Call today.

During your 30 – minute consultation, you can share where you are along your journey so we can craft a winning path to design the healthy life you deserve.

Just send me an email at and we’ll find a perfect date and time to schedule your Healthy Life Strategy Call.

How My Journey Serves You

 In 2004, I was in the same situation you find yourself in today. Yet, when I was diagnosed – just knowing which food choices were causing my digestive distress brought immediate relief.

I finally had an answer!

From the start, I was absolutely ready to move forward – even though I had to learn new ways to cook, and eat, and navigate social gatherings with family and friends – while still honoring my body’s unique needs.

At first, it was just gluten that I eliminated – and almost immediately, I no longer had the daily stomach pains that had been a part of my life for years, often excruciatingly painful –  but after about two years, I noticed I was experiencing many of the same symptoms I’d had BEFORE going gluten-free – so I knew something was up.

When I learned I was highly sensitive to dairy, eggs and a few other foods, that’s when things really kicked into high gear, for me.

I immersed myself in studying – pretty much anything I could get my hands on – so, cookbooks, on-line resources – the list goes on – to learn just about everything I could and really gain mastery over my health, not just through better diet, but also by tuning in to my environment.

Over the past nine years, I’ve really mastered this. I feel very confident now, about what I’m buying, because

I know deep down it will support my health.

And that’s what I’m really passionate about sharing with others!

Today, through a combination of private mentoring, VIP days, and online products, people like you – who have just discovered their food allergies – can quickly and easily step beyond this temporary speed bump along your life journey, and proceed full speed ahead to embrace a new, healthier lifestyle.

So you can love your new diet and your life all the more!