Who Will You Be In 2013?

We’re at the tail end of the holidays, here, with just a few more days until the calendar changes to 2013.

I don’t know about you, but between the on-going holiday celebrations, visiting relatives and late night hours, my schedule’s been completely thrown off.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve enjoyed the warmth, camaraderie and excess of good food – yes all of it!

Yet every year at this time, I reach a point where I’m ready for things to get back to normal.

That means fewer holiday goodies to indulge in, and healthier choices overall.

How about you?

What are your goals for 2013?

With the New Year in mind, here are three simple suggestions for getting your life back on track.


Be Prepared

No matter how organized you are, realize that stuff is going to happen.

Sometimes it means being stuck in traffic for hours – leaving you hungry, tired and frustrated with not a bite to eat.

Not to mention your schedule completely thrown off.

Other times, it could be an Act of God.

Of course, Acts of God are not an excuse to eat whatever you want.

Whether planning a shopping trip or a visit to a local museum, it doesn’t matter – you want to look ahead to possible scenarios that might come up.

Are you going to be home in time for lunch?

If not, where will you likely eat?

What will you eat?

If you’re not sure, bring something with you.

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