5 Life Lessons From Downton Abbey

Did you catch the last episode of Downton Abbey?

There have been a lot of comments circulating this week, as another of our favorite characters met his demise.

(Some of us are still hoping for a miracle – an extend hospital stay, perhaps, or waking up to realize it was all a dream).

Others have dubbed the show “Downer Abbey”.

Which side are you on?

Recently, I  mentioned to my husband that it would be a great thing indeed, if Highclere Castle – the British mansion made famous on this hit television series – had public tours for viewing the premises.

So, imagine my surprise to read in our local paper, that the mansion IS in fact open for tours – for 70 days each year!

Yup – time to plan our next trip

All kidding aside, here’s what I really enjoy about the show:

  • I love seeing history unfold in the moment & learning what life was like “back then”.
  • I love the interior décor of this mansion – what this family calls home – studded as it is with antiques and old master paintings gracing the walls.
  • And, of course, I’m immersed in the characters themselves, and their privileged, fictitious lives.


So, what can the average person like you or I glean from a TV series like Downton Abbey – as it relates to our own lives?

Quite a lot, as it turns out!

Keep reading, as I share how you can bring a bit of Downton Abbey into your own home.



At Downton Abbey, the kitchen is the hub of the home.

In fact, most of the ‘downstairs’ scenes take place in the kitchen – not too surprising since Mrs. Pattmore  and Daisy are hard at work from the crack of dawn preparing meals for the entire household.

You may have a similar responsibility in your own home – with the added bonus of many modern conveniences!

Yet, how much time do you spend in your kitchen?

If you’ve just learned you suffer from food sensitivities – the kitchen is even more important – it’s truly the foundation for a healthy lifestyle and the key to making smart, informed decisions for designing a life you can embrace and love!

Why not make your kitchen the star of your home?

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, I’m adding another recipe to the files – in case you’re still scrambling to come up with some gluten-free sweets for your sweetie.

Or, you didn’t see the Chocolate Truffles recipe I shared earlier this week.

My good friend Janelle Holden, posted this recipe during the recent holidays, in her blog Mind Body Love – and it’s a perfect cut-out cookie, regardless of the occasion.

In fact, I think that’s the best part about this recipe!

The dough lends itself well to rolling out, and cutting into decorative shapes with your choice of cookie cutter.

I also like that the recipe uses garbanzo bean flour  –  a common ingredient in Middle Eastern baking.

(Ethnic cuisines are often a fabulous source for new ideas).

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What Are You Craving?

“Sugar is a food fraught with layers of emotional meaning, inextricably linked with your sense of comfort and well-being”.  Andrea Nakayama


Do you sometimes crave a certain food?

Or is “often” a more accurate description?

Whether ‘sometimes”, or  “often”, cravings are usually a sign that something is out of balance in your body.

It could be due to hormones, a nutritional imbalance, low blood sugar or even stress.

Of course, any food can become a substitute for what we’re really craving in the moment.

However, for many of us, our go-to comfort food is Sugar.

If your downfall seems to be Sugar, you’re not alone.

In fact, the more you crave a certain food, it’s often your Body’s way of telling you in an oh-so-subtle-way to cut back.

And while you may not be able to ditch those sugar cravings completely – after all, we’re biologically programmed to love anything sweet – it is possible to get your sugar cravings under control by ditching soda and processed foods.

In lieu of refined sugar, consider alternate ways to satisfy your sweet tooth.

At the same time, keep in mind that alternate sweeteners such as agave, honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar and sucanat – to name a few – are still Sugar.

They may seem to be easier on your blood sugar levels – but the bottom line is still this:

Sugar is Sugar.

That’s a tough one to swallow, I know.

Consider too, that the very foods we often crave are often the very foods we’re highly sensitive, or allergic to!

(Yet another reason to avoid them).

A strange anomaly, yes, but also fascinating, if you take the time to think about it.

Then again, perhaps salty – rather than sweet – foods are your downfall?

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How To Massage Your Greens

Did you know you can massage your food?

Yes, it’s true!

I learned about this a little over a year ago, after tasting a raw kale salad that was definitely more tender than the kale salads I typically made at home.

I wasn’t sure what the restaurant had done to make the greens so tasty.

Before too long, I read about a technique that involved “massaging” your greens. I realized this was the exact process the restaurant had used to perfect their kale salad.

The sky’s the limit here, by the way – you’re not limited to kale.

Just about any greens can be massaged – chard, spinach, collards, arugula, lettuce – you name it.

Why the focus on Greens?

Kale, spinach, swiss chard and the like are the basis for a healthy, well-rounded diet.

Not only do leafy greens add necessary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – they are also considered essential to reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and other age-related illnesses.

Add the fact that they’re naturally gluten-free, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice not to include some of these leafy greens on a daily basis.

I’m still fairly new, myself, to introducing some of these nutritional powerhouses into my diet.

For the longest time I was strictly a lettuce and spinach kind of gal, until I decided to expand my horizons.

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Who Will You Be In 2013?

We’re at the tail end of the holidays, here, with just a few more days until the calendar changes to 2013.

I don’t know about you, but between the on-going holiday celebrations, visiting relatives and late night hours, my schedule’s been completely thrown off.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve enjoyed the warmth, camaraderie and excess of good food – yes all of it!

Yet every year at this time, I reach a point where I’m ready for things to get back to normal.

That means fewer holiday goodies to indulge in, and healthier choices overall.

How about you?

What are your goals for 2013?

With the New Year in mind, here are three simple suggestions for getting your life back on track.


Be Prepared

No matter how organized you are, realize that stuff is going to happen.

Sometimes it means being stuck in traffic for hours – leaving you hungry, tired and frustrated with not a bite to eat.

Not to mention your schedule completely thrown off.

Other times, it could be an Act of God.

Of course, Acts of God are not an excuse to eat whatever you want.

Whether planning a shopping trip or a visit to a local museum, it doesn’t matter – you want to look ahead to possible scenarios that might come up.

Are you going to be home in time for lunch?

If not, where will you likely eat?

What will you eat?

If you’re not sure, bring something with you.

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Are Your Holidays “Green” ?

‘Green’ has become quite the buzz-word of late.

First and foremost, it’s the color we associate with Nature. 

It’s soothing and reliable like the dark green of a forest, or the brilliant green of summer grasses.

More and more, we also associate the color Green with a safe,  eco-friendly lifestyle.

And “greening” your holidaysoffers one more opportunity to up the ante, so to speak – and update your decor with eco-safe options.

Of course, along with the mantra to  “Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle” there’s also the recommendation to eat your Greens.

For some of us, this might be the most challenging of all!

However, relying on lots of leafy greens and vegetables as a mainstay of your diet, is a sure fire way to boost your health.

There are lots of ways to sneak extra greens into your daily meals, whether adding a handful to a smoothie (it really doesn’t affect the taste, I promise) – or relying on oversized leaves as a wrap, in lieu of bread.

So – just in time for the holidays – here’s another idea for incorporating greens into your diet.

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How To Be Your Best Advocate

Does this ever happen to you?

You’re at the home of a friend, or well meaning relative, and as you sit down to enjoy a cup of tea – you’re presented with some cookies, or other savory treats – that have been purchased especially for you.

(I just love it when people are so thoughtful, don’t you?)

As you glance at the list of ingredients (yes, I’m always reading labels), you notice that:

  • The product is not gluten-free, OR
  • While it’s gluten-free, there may be one or two other ingredients that are not in compliance with your special diet.

What to do?

This is one of those tricky moments when you want to honor yourself and how you choose to nourish your body – yet you don’t want to offend.

Well, here’s the deal.

Regardless of our individual food allergies, dietary preferences or concerns – we are always going to come up against this sort of thing.

It’s simply part of life and can’t be avoided.

Still, there are always choices, right?

So, in these situations, my rule of thumb is this:

If you’ve been medically diagnosed, and have been instructed by your doctor not to eat gluten – then please don’t.

It’s really important that you honor that, regardless of the circumstances.

(Seriously – you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot.)

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How To Avoid The Sugar Blues

Truth be told, the best way to avoid the sugar blues is to, well – simply not eat it.

Easier said than done, I know.

The thing is, there are plenty of sweet options that don’t have to involve refined sugar – things like honey, and agave nectar, or coconut sugar.

I even discuss this (briefly) in my FREE HOLIDAY GIFT – “44 Ways to be Gloriously Gluten-Free, Through the Holidays and Beyond.”

Yes, it might seem like an odd thing to even mention in the midst of the holiday season, with sweet temptations beckoning to us from all directions.

However, it’s not all that uncommon for someone to be diagnosed as either allergic, or sensitive, to sugar.

So, I try to keep this, and all other allergens, in mind.

Another thing to be aware of, is that it isn’t just white sugar in its traditional form that’s the villain, here.

Too many carbs in general – especially the “white stuff” like potatoes, rice and flour – are empty calories that offer little nutritional value.

So why not experiment with other sweeteners, for some of your holiday baking?

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Celebrating Thanksgiving

By the time you read this, the Thanksgiving feast will be over.

Yes, after days of preparation – not to mention anticipation – the meal is consumed in a matter of minutes.

Or so it seems.

And if you’re like most of us, you likely have a bounty of leftovers to enjoy during the next few days.

Are you wondering what to do with those leftovers?

Well, if you’ve signed up for my Free Holiday Gift you’re already well on your way.

(And if you haven’t signed up yet – no worries. This Free Holiday Gift is available to you anytime during the holidays. Yes, there’s still time, even if you’ve missed out on the beginning!)

In my own home, Thanksgiving was a bit different this year.

Instead of hosting the annual feast, I was delighted to be an invited guest at someone else’s home.

Although, the prospect of a traditional holiday feast prepared by strangers did give me pause.

What would be safe for me to eat?

Again, if you’re receiving the Free Holiday Gift this week, you’ve been reading about some of these concerns in your daily tips.

Trust me, it can be an on-going journey learning to navigate the pitfalls!

My biggest concern was that the star of the meal – the Thanksgiving turkey – would likely not be gluten-free, due to injected bastings and seasonings, and a traditional Bread Stuffing.

So, I resigned myself to “getting by” with a few offerings of my own, including a yummy Rice & Pecan Stuffing and a gluten-free dessert.

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Free Gift! – “44 Ways To Be Gloriously Gluten-Free”

It seems a bit early to be thinking of the holidays, doesn’t it?

Yet, beginning next week, many of us will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving table laden with scrumptious food.

This wonderful feast will likely include many foods you grew up with that are part of your family tradition.

Chances are, you can’t even imagine a holiday meal without them.

I know what that feels like.

I’ve been there.

And I get it.

Yet, for anyone new to the Gluten-Free diet and lifestyle this can feel particularly daunting.

How will you survive all the holiday temptations and treats?

Not to mention endless parties, family gatherings and seemingly non-stop celebration  –  all without a spec of gluten?

Can it even be done?

Well, I’m here to assure you that it can!

As it happens, the elves have been quite busy at this end putting together a special Holiday FREE GIFT – just for you!

You’ve heard of the 12 Days of Christmas, right?

Well, this FREE GIFT is called 44 Ways to be Gloriously Gluten-Free – Through the Holidays and Beyond.”

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