Giving Thanks

Oh my, to think that Thanksgiving is just a few days away. 

On the chance that this might be your first gluten-free Thanksgiving, this weeks’ article is designed to give you some peace of mind as you plan your annual feast.

If you happen to be new to the gluten-free lifestyle, you might be tearing your hair out right about now, perhaps even telling yourself that the holidays are such a huge challenge – how will you ever get through it?

Well, this is true. It might very well be a challenge.

In the weeks to come, your senses will be assaulted with treats of every kind, beginning with the Thanksgiving turkey and all the traditional side dishes.

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If you’ve been doing your homework, you already know that beer traditionally contains gluten.

That’s because regular beer is made from barley, or hops, which is a big no-no for anyone on a gluten-free diet. If you are a beer drinker and have recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease you might be in despair.

If you also love pizza, and believe you can’t live without the combination of pizza and beer, rest assured you don’t have to give up either one.

Gluten-free beers are made from sorghum, a safe grain for anyone living a gluten-free lifestyle.

As it happens, I’m not a beer drinker myself, yet a friend of mine recently handed me this bottle across the table when we met for lunch.

She’d spotted it in a store and bought it – just for me.

I wasn’t sure what to say.

Our other friends at the table asked “Do you drink beer?”

“No” I said, meekly.

I never have – I just don’t care for it.

However, for those of you who DO drink beer, this is one of several options for you. Gluten-free beers are now readily available in most supermarkets, or specialty food stores.

Try it. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Postscript:  Since I took the beer home for my husband, he suggested that I at least try a small sip. I hesitated, then agreed on the condition he finish the bottle if I didn’t like it.

I’m happy to report that Yours Truly did take a sip, while trying very hard not to scrunch up my nose in anticipation of the taste.

I’ll let you guess who drank the remainder.


Back in the day, a gentleman or lady of means typically traveled with something like this.

Perfectly appointed with a travel size knife, fork and spoon and a pair of scissors – for what, I’m not exactly sure.

Fast forward to modern day travel.

Yes, travel in this day and age is certainly challenging as we navigate airports and our busy schedules.

For anyone living a gluten-free lifestyle, your travel woes are likely compounded by the constant worry of what are you going to eat?

Two weeks ago, I was in Austin, Texas followed by a few days in Asheville, North Carolina.

While I wouldn’t call myself a seasoned traveler, I do have a go-to system that I rely on whenever I travel, a system that ensures I have will have enough to eat.

Most of the time, anyway.

Because I have additional allergies, to both dairy and eggs, along with gluten, I’m unable to enjoy even a breakfast of scrambled eggs while on the go.

So I always include individual packets of gluten-free oatmeal, or a bag of gluten-free granola in my travel kit, then rely on restaurant fare for fruit or juice.

Better still, after I reach my destination, I like to stop in at a local health food store to stock up on fruits and healthy snacks. If you have a mini refrigerator in your hotel room, that’s ideal. 

As for the plane trip itself?

I’ve been using this nifty bento-style lunchbox from Laptop Lunches for about a year, and I love it!

The best part is that you can be as creative as you like with your portable meal, choosing a different food for each container.

In the photo above, I packed Sushi and my favorite stuffed Collard Greens. (this way I get in my daily greens, along with some protein and healthy carbs).

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It’s that time of year again, with the holidays fast approaching.  

And with Halloween just around the corner, chocolates and other goodies are definitely on my mind.

Last week, I was in Asheville, NC – taking in an abundance of good food and a stunning array of Fall colors.

I made a point of visiting a local chocolate shop called the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, named for a local river that wends its way through town.

This little chocolate shop is truly a chocolate lovers haven!

The minute you set foot inside the door, you’re immediately greeted by the fragrant, yet subtle scent of chocolate wafting through the air.

As it happens, the entire selection of chocolate truffles is gluten-free – instantly transporting me to chocolate heaven!

What impresses me even more is the selection of vegan truffles, made with coconut cream, instead of the usual dairy. The flavors have exquisite names like Strawberry-Balsamic, Buddha, and Pomegranate.

I highly recommend the Theros Citrus Fennel – the flavor combination is a burst of unexpected decadence.

I literally sat there and swooned – and instantly understood how just one, really, really good piece of quality chocolate can be so utterly satisfying that you’re left wanting nothing more.

Just like one really, really good piece of quality art, or design.

A little voice inside of me was saying:

“This is what it’s all about. Whether food or design, it’s all about surrounding yourself with an abundance of beauty and incredible experiences that nourish the body as well as the soul”.

Of course, there may not be time to place an order from The French Broad Chocolate Shop in time for Halloween. (Yes, they do ship).

But fear not.

Listed below are some suggestions to help you celebrate Halloween in style, without feeling one bit deprived.



I made these for Halloween a year ago, and they were so good I plan to make them again. They’re also incredibly easy.

While you could substitute any kind of nut butter, I recommend sticking with Sunflower Butter for a truly allergy-free treat that everyone can enjoy.

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Have you visited a Farmer’s Market lately?   

I’m not sure which I love more – the brilliant array of colors among the fresh produce, or the tempting selection from which to choose?

I often come home with more food than I know what to do with, even when I set off with something specific in mind. The thing is, everything looks so good that I fall prey to ‘Bright, Shiny Object’ syndrome.

Perhaps you’ve heard of this affliction.

It’s when you suddenly lose sight of the project at hand, your goals, or – in this case – your shopping list, and are suddenly captured by a thought or object that seems infinitely better.

That’s the Bright, Shiny Object calling to you.

This is why I might return from the Farmer’s Market with more food than I, or my family, can eat.

It is also why some of us might be tempted from time to time, to stray from our special diets. Cause let’s face it – temptation is everywhere!

I’m one of the fortunate few who can walk by a bakery without so much as a glance at the delicious array of goodies lining the cases. That said, I understand that for most of us, this can feel like pure torture.

Bright Shiny Objects everywhere – most of them laden with chocolate and gooey frosting.

How do you deal with these temptations?

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Not sure where to begin?                             

Why not start at the beginning?

After all, doesn’t every design project begin that way?

This is commonly referred to as the foundation – or blueprint – for what is to follow, typically a Floor Plan, or my clients’ Wish List.

Of course, the foundation of your day – and your gluten-free lifestyle – is your first meal of the day – Breakfast.

Maybe you’ve always eaten breakfast, or maybe this concept is new to you. Perhaps you’re one of those people who never eats first thing in the morning, or before noon.

I recently heard a nutritionist talk about the value of starting one’s day off right, by eating a regular meal. She addressed the common dilemma of “But I don’t eat breakfast” – suggesting that you start small, that it’s really just a matter of changing your mindset.

Mindsets are powerful.

This is why, for most of us eating a Western diet – consisting of cereal, or eggs and bacon with a side of toast – might question what choices we have when eating gluten-free.

The answer is there’s still plenty to choose from – beginning with a great selection of gluten-free cereals.

That’s fine if your preferred first meal of the day is cold cereal with milk, or hot cereal such as gluten-free oatmeal or buckwheat.

Beyond that, I’m going to challenge you to think outside the box.

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I can hardly believe that Autumn has arrived.           

Already, I’m noticing that daylight starts to fade by early evening. We’ve entered that time of year when we like to hunker down and enjoy the warmth and comfort of our homes.

When I look out the window, I see the spectrum of Fall colors everywhere – gold, and vivid orange and yellow.

Squashes and pumpkins adorn the Farmer’s stalls and are piled high outside my neighborhood grocery store.

Yet, for some reason, part of me is still in summer mode, thinking of salads and warm weather menus, and day dreaming about this years’ vacation in the wine country of eastern Washington – an area where it’s just about impossible to drive half a mile without passing a winery, there are so many of them.

Now, I am not a wine expert, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I’m someone who is content to enjoy a glass of wine when the occasion calls for it, and that’s about it.

I recently learned that some vineyards use gluten as a clarifying agent during the wine-making process. I already knew that egg whites are sometimes used, but had never heard about gluten.

This was an eye-opener for me.

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“Food, wonderful food, glorious food.” … from the musical, Oliver


Food is such a sensory experience.   

Inextricably woven into the fabric of our lives, it evokes feelings of both pleasure and comfort on a daily basis.

We taste or nibble, and sometimes devour, depending on our moods and level of hunger. If we are really mindful and aware, we savor every morsel.

Our daily meals are as basic to our existence as taking our next breath.

Yet, when you add Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance or Food Allergies into the mix, things aren’t quite so simple.

Along the way, life gets a little more interesting, and a lot more challenging.

For this reason, I’ve decided to share with you my personal philosophy for designing a Gluten-Free Life, while embracing my twin passions for Food & Design.

Yes, I also happen to be an Interior Designer – hence the name Gluten-Free Designer! (You can visit my website at ).

My own story started out simple enough, beginning with an article I read about nine years ago on Celiac Disease.

Up until that time I had never heard of Celiac Disease, but then I’d also never heard of gluten. I had no idea there was a name attached to the debilitating symptoms I’d been dealing with for years.

Yet something about the article caught my attention. I read it all the way through, then read it again. What I read in that article described me exactly – including the stomach pain and discomfort I experienced on a daily basis with no obvious explanation.

To think that all this was attributable to a single protein called Gluten was astounding, almost exciting!

Now – one of the unfortunate facts about Celiac Disease (or gluten intolerance or sensitivity, or whatever you want to call it) is that it can take on average years to diagnosis.

Perhaps this sounds familiar.

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1 IN 133

What is 1 in 133?                                             

It is first and foremost, a statistic – one that describes the prevalence of Celiac Disease & gluten intolerance in our society.

It is also the name given to a clever marketing campaign, designed to draw attention to food labeling laws.

Yes, this weeks’ post is a bit different from the norm.

However, I was motivated to get on the bandwagon, due to my personal interest in this common digestive disorder.

Since May is National Celiac Awareness Month, this is a fitting time to drum up support.

Whether referred to as Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, it all boils down to the same thing – an inability to digest gluten, a common protein in food.

The only known cure does not involve medication or surgery – a big plus – but it does require life-long adherence to a special, gluten-free diet. (Please note that his has nothing to do with the current fad to adopt a gluten-free diet in order to lose weight).

The ‘1 in 133’ website neatly sums up their mission with the following statement:

‘In 2007, the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) tasked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to finalize standards for gluten-free labeling. Four years later, the FDA has failed to fulfill that mandate. To the millions of Americans who eat gluten-free food, this inaction is a big deal’.

So, here’s where it really gets fun:

To highlight their cause, the campaign has set out to create the world’s largest Gluten-Free Cake, which will ultimately be 12 feet high!

This is no small feat for gluten free baking!

For anyone not familiar with gluten-free baking, it’s problematic at best, since gluten is the very substance which lends elasticity and moisture to baked goods.

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