I can hardly believe that Autumn has arrived.           

Already, I’m noticing that daylight starts to fade by early evening. We’ve entered that time of year when we like to hunker down and enjoy the warmth and comfort of our homes.

When I look out the window, I see the spectrum of Fall colors everywhere – gold, and vivid orange and yellow.

Squashes and pumpkins adorn the Farmer’s stalls and are piled high outside my neighborhood grocery store.

Yet, for some reason, part of me is still in summer mode, thinking of salads and warm weather menus, and day dreaming about this years’ vacation in the wine country of eastern Washington – an area where it’s just about impossible to drive half a mile without passing a winery, there are so many of them.

Now, I am not a wine expert, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I’m someone who is content to enjoy a glass of wine when the occasion calls for it, and that’s about it.

I recently learned that some vineyards use gluten as a clarifying agent during the wine-making process. I already knew that egg whites are sometimes used, but had never heard about gluten.

This was an eye-opener for me.

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