The ABC’s of Gluten-Free Bread

CautionlBread has gotten a bad rap lately.

Many of the most popular diets – weight loss and otherwise – favor the elimination of bread completely, in place of whole grains, nuts and seeds, and plenty of vegetables and fruit.

If we look at the Paleo diet, The Virgin Diet, or Dr. Mark Hyman’s Blood Sugar Solution  – each of these diets eliminates gluten simply by default.

Plus, they go a step further – advising us to avoid any and all baked goods, breads, cookies and crackers that rely on highly processed flours.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The science behind this is that the standard American diet contains way more carbohydrates than the average person needs.

These abundant carbohydrates – or carbs – are converted to sugars in our body, which for many of us leads to weight gain and all kinds of health issues.

But the truth is, we live in a carb based society.

If you think about the typical foods you eat on any given day, chances are the list includes bread, crackers, and any manner of baked goods along with whole grains and sugar.

However, if you’re just starting out with the gluten-free lifestyle, this may not be where you want to begin.

In fact, you might be wondering  – where does it all end?

Isn’t it enough that you’ve had to give up gluten, or dairy, or eggs?

What’s a person to do?

[Read more…]

Happy 4th Of July!

IMG_0542Many of us are taking time away from our busy schedules this week, to celebrate the 4th. of July.

Whether barbecues or fireworks are your thing – the festivities usually mean that summer is now in full swing!

So, real quick, I wanted to share a few easy tips for your holiday celebration – so you can enjoy your summertime barbecues without feeling left out.

(That’s the worst place to be).

First, if you’re wondering where to find gluten-free hamburger and hotdog buns, check out these suggestions:

*Of course, I can’t offer guarantees, but if you order today, chances are good you’ll have these in time for the 4th! (Check with the bakery to find out for sure).

Or – grab a bag of gluten-free hotdog or hamburger buns at your local grocer.

Second, if you find yourself sharing a summertime grill with gluten-loving family members or friends, be sure to save a safe spot on the grill for yourself – so your food won’t be contaminated from things like pesky bread crumbs.

Third, for an easy summertime dessert that takes it’s inspiration from the 4th of July colors [Read more…]