Who Will You Be In 2013?

We’re at the tail end of the holidays, here, with just a few more days until the calendar changes to 2013.

I don’t know about you, but between the on-going holiday celebrations, visiting relatives and late night hours, my schedule’s been completely thrown off.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve enjoyed the warmth, camaraderie and excess of good food – yes all of it!

Yet every year at this time, I reach a point where I’m ready for things to get back to normal.

That means fewer holiday goodies to indulge in, and healthier choices overall.

How about you?

What are your goals for 2013?

With the New Year in mind, here are three simple suggestions for getting your life back on track.


Be Prepared

No matter how organized you are, realize that stuff is going to happen.

Sometimes it means being stuck in traffic for hours – leaving you hungry, tired and frustrated with not a bite to eat.

Not to mention your schedule completely thrown off.

Other times, it could be an Act of God.

Of course, Acts of God are not an excuse to eat whatever you want.

Whether planning a shopping trip or a visit to a local museum, it doesn’t matter – you want to look ahead to possible scenarios that might come up.

Are you going to be home in time for lunch?

If not, where will you likely eat?

What will you eat?

If you’re not sure, bring something with you.

I call it an emergency snack pack – and I bring this with me in case of delays with traffic, or that mid-afternoon slump.

At home, be sure to stock healthy foods and snacks that are gluten-free.


Be Grateful

Have you tried keeping a Gratitude journal?

When you focus on things you are grateful for, it takes your attention away from things that are less than perfect in your life.

It opens you up to new possibilities.

Yes, it’s a little like focusing on all the foods you CAN eat (versus the ones you can’t), but this type of journaling goes well beyond food – focusing on every aspect of your day.

Give it a try!

Find a small, attractive notebook and start listing three things that you are grateful for.

Once you begin this daily practice, you will find it does wonders for your soul, and your frame of mind.


Be Creative

I came across the perfect quote just a few days ago:

“When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex & most people stop there.

But if you keep going, and live with the problem & peel more layers of the onion off – you can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant & simple solutions.”

That happens to be from Steve Jobs and I think he said it so perfectly.

The thing is, when you first come to the realization that all gluten-containing foods must be eliminated from your diet, it can be extremely daunting.

I mean, we’re talking about an entire food group!

Yet, as the above quote implies, it’s best to keep things simple – especially in the beginning.

There are many, many foods that are inherently gluten-free.

A dinner of roast chicken, rice or potatoes, and additional veggies is not only easy, but also doesn’t contain one speck of gluten when properly prepared from scratch

When you’re ready, you can try your hand at baking which launches you into a whole new level of experimentation as you explore different grains or cuisines.

But here’s the other thing – whether or not you’re aware of it, you were born creative.

We all are.

Not only that – you’re likely much more creative than you think!

And you can use that creativity to come up with new ideas, experiment with new recipes – or simply think “outside the box.”

The way I see it, it’s often the very things we’re challenged by that can inspire some rather amazing solutions!

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