Autoimmune Disease & You

ImpressionDid you know that Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition?

Did you also know that autoimmune diseases are on the rise?

In fact, statistically, if you’ve already been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, your chances of having two or three more are extremely high.

Kind of sobering, isn’t it?

By its very definition, autoimmunity means that your body – specifically your immune system – is attacking YOU.

It isn’t something that’s supposed to happen.

(And doesn’t, as long as your immune system is functioning properly).

But right now, we’re actually in the midst of an autoimmune epidemic – that’s how common these autoimmune conditions have become.

Yet, here’s something else that might surprise you:

If you ask the average person to name an autoimmune-related illness, they will likely have trouble coming up with a single one. (Check out “The Autoimmune Epidemic“, by Donna Jackson Nakazawa for a great read!)

Here’s what’s even more shocking:

Autoimmune disease is right up there with cancer and heart disease, as far as the risk of getting sick and dying!

However, so little is heard in the media, or otherwise, of this growing epidemic, that even your doctor may not know that your mysterious list of ailments might actually be immune related.

Clearly, your body isn’t supposed to attack it’s own cells and tissues, but with autoimmune disease, that’s exactly what’s happening – based on what you’ve been exposed to from your environment.

It’s what we call an environmental trigger , which can be anything from chemicals – whether in the environment or your food – a poor diet, food sensitivities, stress, intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut), and to a much lesser extent your genetic makeup.

(These triggers can be likened to a light switch in your body, systemically turning genes on or off; it’s how your genes get “expressed”!)

Is there any good news?

Yes there is – and that’s the fact that Celiac disease is one autoimmune condition where we DO know how to reverse your symptoms!

And that’s by adhering to a gluten-free diet! (your life could literally depend on it…)

Sounds simple enough, but of course, it isn’t always easy to implement. My DIY Gluten-Free Survival Guide is an excellent place to start!

Of course, just as important – regardless of your autoimmune condition – is looking closer at What’s Going On In There?

Are you ready to hop on board?

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