The ABC’s of Gluten-Free Bread

CautionlBread has gotten a bad rap lately.

Many of the most popular diets – weight loss and otherwise – favor the elimination of bread completely, in place of whole grains, nuts and seeds, and plenty of vegetables and fruit.

If we look at the Paleo diet, The Virgin Diet, or Dr. Mark Hyman’s Blood Sugar Solution  – each of these diets eliminates gluten simply by default.

Plus, they go a step further – advising us to avoid any and all baked goods, breads, cookies and crackers that rely on highly processed flours.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The science behind this is that the standard American diet contains way more carbohydrates than the average person needs.

These abundant carbohydrates – or carbs – are converted to sugars in our body, which for many of us leads to weight gain and all kinds of health issues.

But the truth is, we live in a carb based society.

If you think about the typical foods you eat on any given day, chances are the list includes bread, crackers, and any manner of baked goods along with whole grains and sugar.

However, if you’re just starting out with the gluten-free lifestyle, this may not be where you want to begin.

In fact, you might be wondering  – where does it all end?

Isn’t it enough that you’ve had to give up gluten, or dairy, or eggs?

What’s a person to do?

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George Vanderbilt’s #1 Decorating Tip

Biltmore HouseThis week, I’m digressing a bit into one of my other passions – interior design and the environment.

(For anyone who doesn’t know this about me, I’m not only a Health and Wellness coach – but also an Interior Designer, which explains my profound interest in how our environments impact us on a day to day basis!)

So, during this week’s trip to Asheville, NC , I was truly delighted to re-visit the Biltmore Estate, after roughly a 4 year absence.

Biltmore House, in case you didn’t know, is the famous mansion built in 1895 by George Vanderbilt – one of the wealthiest families in our nation at the turn of the 20th century.

(The American equivalent to Downton Abbey, if you will).

For George Vanderbilt, building his mansion was an opportunity to celebrate his passion for Art, Literature & Horticulture.

Even so, his guide to decorating the mansion was quite simple.

He did not have a decorator.

Nor did he have the equivalent of today’s interior designer.

So, what was his secret?

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Is a Boot-Camp Mentality the Answer to Good Health?

Easy HardIn a word, the answer to that question is NO!

But it’s always the first thing my clients want to know.

As a gluten-free Health Coach, I could certainly make it my job to crack the whip.

In reality, though, I prefer a gentler approach.

Besides, when you try to force things, chances are they will back-fire.

Don’t believe me?

Go ahead and try it!

Choose something – anything – and see how successful you are when your efforts feel forced and contrived, or worse yet, you constantly feel deprived.

Such a feat is rarely sustainable.

(That’s why diets so often fail).

Of course, here at Design a Healthy Life, the emphasis isn’t on weight loss.

Rather, it’s about learning to live with Celiac Disease and Food Sensitivities – so you can get past overwhelm and start making make smart, informed decisions about your diet and your health.

With that said, here are some of the most common myths about this so-called “Boot Camp Mentality.”


Do Everything MY Way – Or Else

Maybe you just want to learn how to eat gluten-free and that’s it.

That’s perfectly OK!

The goal of a coach, is to meet you where you’re at.

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For The Love of Pizza

PizzaNote:  This article is one more in a series of the many awesome things you can make with Garbanzo Flour!)


When my son was growing up, Fridays were always Pizza Night.

It’s a tradition that has remained to this day – although I have to admit, I often forgo a gluten-free pizza in lieu of a healthier option.

(Besides, gluten-free pizza isn’t always that easy to come by on a moment’s notice, unless you have a supply of gluten-free pizza crusts in your freezer at all times).

Just saying.

Which is why, on a recent Friday, I was suddenly inspired to cook up a storm.

My plan was to make several things, including vegetarian Beet Burgers from an enticing recipe I’d recently come across, and a homemade Broccoli Soup.

While I was at it, I also planned to roast some Sweet Potatoes to have on hand for a snack or side dish.

Mid-afternoon, I met a friend for coffee, for what I expected to be a one hour visit – tops.

But we hadn’t seen each other in awhile, and before we knew it one hour had turned into three!

By the time I got home, I was feeling a bit less inspired.

Have you ever had days like that?

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How To Travel Green

TravelAh, the joys of travel.

Not only do we have to deal with the hassles of flying, but our normally healthy habits as far as diet and exercise often fly out the window, adding to our level of frustration and fatigue.

When you add a gluten-free, allergen-free diet to the mix, it gets even more interesting!

Here’s another thing I know to be true:

If you’re an eco-friendly sort of person, it can be very hard to maintain your eco-friendly ways while on the road.

After all, when we’re tired and hungry, and far from home it’s much easier to opt for convenience – especially when crunched for time.

Still, it is possible, and needn’t take too much effort.

So here are my tips on How to Travel Green.


Stay Hydrated

While it’s definitely important to stay hydrated while traveling, I think it’s equally important to consider the type of bottle you’re drinking out of.

Yet, how does one maintain proper fluid intake without going through gallons of water packaged in plastic bottles?

My method isn’t foolproof, but here it is:  I travel with a stainless steel water bottle.

I empty it prior to passing through airport security, then promptly request a refill at the nearest Starbucks.

A friend of mine gave me this tip a few years ago, and it really works!

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The Dopamine Effect

PastrieslHave you heard of Dopamine?

Naturally present in the human body, it’s often referred to as the “feel good” chemical – acting as both a neurotransmitter and a hormone.

It’s a good one to know about!

In fact, any time you feel a burst of excitement, pleasure, alertness or general euphoria – that’s dopamine at work!

Life would be pretty sad without it, don’t you think?

Well, here’s another fact about dopamine – it’s also activated by Sugar.

(Perhaps this is what’s really going on when we talk about a “sugar high”).

As it turns out, there’s a link between dopamine and highly processed foods – things like chips and other snack foods, fast food (think French fries), and all those frozen meals in the freezer section of your local market.

That’s because dopamine also plays a major role in addiction!

(Gluten-free or not, it makes no difference).

So, when food manufacturers inject our food with oodles of fat, sugar and salt – guess what happens?

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Happy 4th Of July!

IMG_0542Many of us are taking time away from our busy schedules this week, to celebrate the 4th. of July.

Whether barbecues or fireworks are your thing – the festivities usually mean that summer is now in full swing!

So, real quick, I wanted to share a few easy tips for your holiday celebration – so you can enjoy your summertime barbecues without feeling left out.

(That’s the worst place to be).

First, if you’re wondering where to find gluten-free hamburger and hotdog buns, check out these suggestions:

*Of course, I can’t offer guarantees, but if you order today, chances are good you’ll have these in time for the 4th! (Check with the bakery to find out for sure).

Or – grab a bag of gluten-free hotdog or hamburger buns at your local grocer.

Second, if you find yourself sharing a summertime grill with gluten-loving family members or friends, be sure to save a safe spot on the grill for yourself – so your food won’t be contaminated from things like pesky bread crumbs.

Third, for an easy summertime dessert that takes it’s inspiration from the 4th of July colors [Read more…]

Does Your Kitchen Need A Makeover?

fried eggDoes this sound like you?

You’ve recently eliminated all gluten from your diet, and you’re feeling so much better.

You want that great feeling to last – well, forever.

A clean, healthy diet is certainly the easiest and quickest way to support your health.

So, kudos to you for coming this far!

What you may not realize is that there are other ways your kitchen could be undermining your best efforts.

Yes, this goes beyond food and what you might be eating on a daily basis.

Here’s another way of looking at it.

There are actually three different ways that foreign substances enter our bodies:

  • We ingest them
  • We breathe them
  • We accumulate them on our skin

 So, why should you be concerned?

Well, if you’re dealing with any health issues whatsoever – in addition to your food sensitivities – then this is definitely something you want to consider.

For example:

  • Weight Gain
  • Behavioral problems in children
  • Anxiety or Depression

Truth be told, there are numerous household and environmental chemicals that we’re exposed to every day.

(If you’ve already downloaded your copy of the HEALTHY AGING TOOLKIT, you’re already a step ahead – good for you!)

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How to Customize Your Diet in 3 Easy Steps

Almonds and avocado slicesFirst of all, here’s the good news:

Even before you became gluten-free or learned you had food allergies, you were already customizing your diet.

You did this every time you decided there was a food you didn’t like!

Don’t care for fish?


No problem.

(When I was growing up the culprit was oranges). 

Most of the time, you can easily choose not to eat what you don’t like.

(Unless your parents are telling you otherwise)

We’ve all done this, right?

The challenge, then, is when you are given a specific medical diagnosis – be it Celiac Disease, or a food allergy that requires a special diet.

In other words, your choices have now been taken away – or, at least, that’s how your brain perceive it.

What seems like a logical solution becomes, instead – a threat!

 (Our brains don’t like to feel threatened, either).

“What do you mean I can no longer order my favorite pizza?”

“What do you mean I can no longer eat eggs for breakfast?”

Are you kidding me?!

You become defensive, angry.

After all, there’s a big difference between deciding for yourself what you like or don’t like – versus being told what to eat.

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How To Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

Coffee Vanilla Latte with two tied beans in tall glass on hessiaOkay, you might be wondering why you’d even want to do that.

After all, can’t you go to any grocery store and snatch a bottle of vanilla extract off the shelf?

Already prepared and manufactured?

And isn’t it gluten-free?

And yes, the answer to each of those questions is likely “Yes”.

(Although you might want to call the manufacturer to see whether it’s indeed gluten-free).

So, the real issue here is Corn.

If you are sensitive to corn, or avoid it for any reason, please note that most extracts are made from alcohol.

And those alcohols are typically corn based.

When I stopped eating corn products several years ago, I was stumped by several things.

Including the fact there’s cornstarch in powdered sugar!

(I went through an entire holiday season with powdered sugar in almost every holiday treat I baked, and was totally clueless).

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